Dr. Ray Pritchard

"Pray for China" Wristbands

Voice of the Martyrs and China Aid Association have produced a wristband that says “Pray for China” in English and Chinese. As the Beijing Olympics...
Updated Aug 02, 2008
"Pray for China" Wristbands

Voice of the Martyrs and China Aid Association have produced a wristband that says “Pray for China” in English and Chinese. As the Beijing Olympics are only days away, the eyes of the world are on China. Our Christians brothers and sisters in China need our prayers for courage, wisdom and the strength to be bold for Jesus. Marlene and I are wearing the “Pray for China” wristbands, and we invite you to join us. So far over 500,000 wristbands have been distributed.

Several days ago President Bush met with several leaders of the human rights and religious freedom movement in China, including Bob Fu, president of China Aid Association. Mr. Fu gave President Bush a “Pray for China” wristband and encouraged him to speak out against government repression of Christians in China. Not surprisingly, the Chinese government criticized the president for hosting the meeting. Meanwhile Chinese Christians face more persecution.

I have a friend who ordered 40 wristbands to give to his family and friends. You can use this form to order “Pray for China” wristbands.

You can reach the author at ray@keepbelieving.com. Click here to sign up for the free weekly email sermon.

Originally published August 02, 2008.