Daily Devotionals

Answers for Each Day - February 22

His Stuff

You have probably noticed that over the last few days of devotionals, we have been focusing on material blessings and how we should view those blessings.

1 Chronicles 29:14-16 is very helpful to see God's perspective,

But who am I, and who are my people, that we should be able to offer so willingly as this?  For all things come from You, and of Your own we have given You.  For we are aliens and pilgrims before You, as were all our fathers; our days on earth are as a shadow, and without hope.  "O LORD our God, all this abundance that we have prepared to build You a house for Your holy name is from Your hand, and is all Your own."

In these verses, King David is actually talking to the Lord as an offering is being received, and resources are being collected for the building of the temple (something his son Solomon is going to achieve).

We see that David recognized that everything he had, everything the people had, literally belonged to God.  They were just giving God back something that belonged to Him in the first place.

I am going to let you in on a little secret:  You and I are just stewards, and one day the Owner will call us into account for how we handled His stuff.  Every one of us will give an account for our stewardship of His possessions.

While He gives us richly all things to enjoy, He is going to ask you if you did what He told you to do with His stuff.  It is not our stuff.

Material treasure is a stewardship, and we must do what the Owner wants with it.  This means we have a responsibility to be listening for the Owner's voice and following His instructions with His goods. 

Visit the Answers with Bayless Conley website for more ways to connect with God. 

Answers for each day devo image JanFEATURED RESOURCE

Chase the abundant life God has for you!

Peace, love, purpose, passion, restoration, healing . . . we all want to experience those things this year. But is it actually possible?

It is—because God invites you to pursue the abundant life in Him every day!  And you’ll find out exactly how to do that with Bayless Conley’s NEW book, Great Pursuits: Chasing What Matters Most in Life.

This resource gives you scriptural, practical, and personal lessons from God’s Word—as well as from Bayless’ own life—to help you pursue what’s most important in life even in these challenging times.

Click here to learn more!


Bayless Conley - Answers for Each Day Daily Devotional from

Answers for Each Day, with Bayless Conley is a popular daily Bible devotion. This Bayless Conley devotional offers wisdom and insight for applying Biblical truths to the ups and downs of everyday life. Reading daily devotions provides strength and encouragement in your daily walk with Jesus Christ.