Daily Devotionals

Helper - Daily in Your Presence - March 9

Day 68


  The Lord is with me;
he is my helper.
Psalm 118:7 

My child, do your tasks seem insurmountable? Are you carrying burdens far too great for you? My shoulders are strong. Lean on Me. My arms are secure. Let Me lift you up. Some days your circumstances will try to steal your strength like a thief in the night. But even in the dark, reach out to Me. I am your helper.

I am only one person, Lord. Alone, I can do nothing. But with You at my side, there is no task too difficult, no dream too distant, no journey too fearful. In my past, for today, and in the future, You have been, and always will be, my helper. Thank You, Lord.


When you're tempted to despair, remember the Lord is always there.

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Daily in Your Presence Devotional, Rebecca Barlow Jordan, Christian Bible Devotions

Daily in Your Presence devotional from Rebecca Barlow Jordan is a popular daily Bible devotion. Daily in Your Presence devotional from Rebecca Barlow Jordan offers wisdom and insight for applying Biblical truths to the ups and downs of everyday life. Reading daily devotions provides strength and encouragement in your daily walk with Jesus Christ.