He Has Risen! - Encouragement for Today - March 7, 2025
He Has Risen!
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“He has risen! He is not here.” Mark 16:6c-d (CSB)
I love this time of year because the weeks leading up to Easter are all about preparing our hearts to celebrate the single greatest event in human history — the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Ever since the early centuries of Christianity, believers have set aside this time for fasting, prayer and reflection … a time that eventually became known as Lent.
Lent culminates in the events of Holy Week, including Holy (Maundy) Thursday, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday, which is also called Silent Saturday because that’s what it was — silent. With nothing happening. Or so it seemed.
On Easter Sunday, we rejoice in Jesus’ triumph over the grave, His victory over death, and all the freedom it procures us. But the day before was Saturday, a day when everything fell silent.
The stone still sealed the tomb, soldiers guarded the entrance, and Jesus lay inside. Scripture assures us His body was indeed there (Mark 15:46), and it also tells us He was “in the heart of the earth three days,” working on finishing what His Father sent Him to do (Matthew 12:40, CSB). Working on our future … as He was about to be resurrected Sunday morning. But from the outside of the tomb looking in, there was nothing but silence.
In our lives, Silent Saturday is something we experience when we hope, pray, dream, and expect what God has promised, only to find ourselves waiting. Waiting on the answer, the fulfillment, the promise. It’s that in-between place where Good Friday is behind us, and Easter Sunday is ahead of us — that place of tension where it seems like everything is dead and lost. Nothing is happening.
But as followers of Christ, we hope. We stand with faith. We endure. We stay expectant. We press on.
Whatever you’re waiting on, let me be the one to tell you: The Easter message does not finish on Saturday. There’s always a Resurrection Sunday!
When three women went to Jesus' tomb on Sunday morning, they carried with them spices to anoint His body (Mark 16:1). As they went, they mused to one another in such a practical way: “Who will roll away the stone from the entrance to the tomb for us?” (Mark 16:3, CSB) They’d forgotten to factor in the multi-ton stone … and who would move it out of the way.
They didn’t understand the bigger picture: Saturdays are never silent. God is always at work. In us, in others and in our circumstances. In all the prayers we’ve prayed and all the promises He’s given.
When the women arrived at the tomb, an angel sat inside, and Jesus was gone. “‘Don’t be alarmed,’ he told them. ‘You are looking for Jesus of Nazareth, who was crucified. He has risen! He is not here …’” (Mark 16:6, CSB).
Saturdays are never silent. And Resurrection Sundays always come.
Jesus, please help me remember that Silent Saturday doesn’t last forever. Resurrection Sunday is coming for all that I’ve hoped, prayed and dreamed. For all that I’ve entrusted to You. My confidence is in You. In Jesus' Name, Amen.
Prepare your heart for the resurrection of Jesus this Lenten season by ordering a copy of The Promise and Power of Easter by Christine Caine and Lisa Harper. This four-session Bible study will guide you through the four weeks of Lent as you prepare for the celebration of Easter.
Enter to WIN your very own copy of The Promise and Power of Easter by Christine Caine and Lisa Harper. To celebrate this book, their publisher will give away 5 copies! Enter to win by filling out the form here. {We’ll randomly select 5 winners and notify them via email by Monday, March 10, 2025.}
1 Peter 1:3, “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. Because of his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead …” (CSB).
Think of something you have hoped for, prayed for or dreamed of, but you’re currently experiencing the tension of Silent Saturday as you wait. How can you stay hopeful that Resurrection Sunday is coming? Share with us in the comments!
© 2025 by Christine Caine. All rights reserved.
Proverbs 31 Ministries
P.O. Box 3189
Matthews, NC 28106