Daily Devotionals

Discipling the Nations - TGIF - Today God Is First 3/10

Discipling the Nations

March 10

"A good man leaves an inheritance to his children's children, But the wealth of the sinner is stored up for the righteous" ( Prov 13:22).

As a student in 1971, Berthold Becker was converted from being a socialist activist to a disciple of the Lord Jesus. Shortly after completing his university education, Berthold decided he wanted to understand what it meant to experience God in his professional career. So, he learned to walk with God at work in the automotive industry. Berthold testifies how God gave him many designs for cars that became their best-sellers. He was often referred to as the "prophet" among his non-Christian auto executives.

With his wife Barbara as his personal intercessor, Berthold left his career in the auto industry in 1986, to begin many entrepreneurial Kingdom initiatives. One was launched in the Ukraine through an initiative called GfS (Gesellschaft für Strukturentwicklung). Berthold became active in many training, consulting and joint venture situations, helping Ukrainian business start-ups. During his travels there, he noticed the lack of availability of good bread, and he decided to do something about it. He started small businesses using mobile bakeries that he bought from the Swiss Army. The German and Ukranian governments soon recognized that Berthold had been serving the nation through his business expertise and came alongside him to say, "You are doing it better than we can." The governments began funding his enterprises, while his group remained in control of the business. The Bible says "Ask of me, and I will make the nations your inheritance, the ends of the earth your possession" (Ps 2:8). I believe one way that will happen is when Christians become the source of blessing to a city or nation.

These enterprises (which include technology transfer and training centers for bread, meat, and dairy products) have become a joint venture with a Ukrainian business group, operating successfully in the food industry.

Today, God is raising up a new breed of Christian workplace leader. God will use anyone to impact a nation because we are all called to disciple the nations. How might God want to use you in the days ahead? What idea might God give you to impact a nation?

For more from Os Hillman and T.G.I.F., visit todaygodisfirst.com


Today God is First Daily Devotional, Os Hillman, Work, Christian Business Leaders

Today God is First daily devotional from Os Hillman is a popular daily Bible devotion. Today God is First daily devotional from Os Hillman offers wisdom and insight for applying Biblical truths to the ups and downs of everyday life. Reading daily devotions provides strength and encouragement in your daily walk with Jesus Christ.