God Is Bigger Than Your Financial Problems

Have you ever experienced stress and anxiety because you’re dealing with a ton of financial problems?
I’ve been there.
I know the worry that plagues you every minute of the day, the constant pit in your stomach, the sleepless nights.
When money problems are a constant presence in your life, it can be an all-consuming worry that robs you of your peace. It can even worry you to the point that it starts to affect your relationships and your health.
Figure Out Why You Have Financial Problems
So how do you overcome all the fear and worry about your situation and get back to the peace that you want for your life?
One of the first things you can do is to dig deep and figure out what’s causing your money trouble in the first place.
- Did you lose your job and had no emergency fund in place?
- Did you consistently overspend your way into your financial situation?
- Just not making enough to support even a basic existence?
- Did you get stuck with a huge pile of medical bills?
No matter how you got there, the number one thing that you should always remember is that God is always bigger than any financial problem you may have.
God wants the best for you in every area of your life, and money is no exception.
He doesn’t want you struggling or worrying about money and finances. God wants you to have all that you want and need. He even wants you to have an excess.
But there are a few things that you just gotta do in order for his blessings to be able to take effect in your life.
You have to do your part.
5 Things I’ve Done to Battle Financial Trouble
Here are some of the things that I’ve done to help ensure that blessings are released upon my life and financial situation:
Have Faith. Sometimes faith can be hard to come by. Understand that God has the ability to change any situation around for your good. But you first have to truly believe in your heart of hearts that He can and will do it. You have to stick with that belief no matter how dire your situation gets. He is always in control.
“…Never will I leave you, never will I forsake you” (Hebrews 13:5).
Keep the Right Attitude. If you expect God to intervene on your behalf, don’t whine, complain, or spend time playing the blame game. When you speak about your money problems, speak positivity and life into the situation. Negativity shows a lack of faith. What proceeds from your tongue is an indication of what’s in your spirit. Leave negativity alone.
Take Action. God rewards action. When you do everything you can to remedy your situation, God recognizes that and allows more good things to fall your way. Waiting for money to fall out of the sky just doesn’t work. God helps those who help themselves, so work hard to find your own way out of your financial pickle while relying on Him to show you the way.
Be Patient. It’s so easy to get discouraged and want to give up when things aren’t happening as quickly as you’d like them too. Remember that God’s timing is always perfect. Just because you see little to no progress in your situation doesn’t mean He’s not working on your behalf.
Stay in Prayer. Praying about your financial problems means you are staying connected. God wants you to be connected to Him at all times and in all situations. In John 15:1-8 he says “If you abide in me, ask what you will and it will be done for you.” He wants you to continually connect with him. When you stay close and don’t stray, God elevates you and causes you to bear more fruit.
When you do these five things, I really believe that it causes you to start moving forward faster and keeps God intervening on your behalf.
Problems With Finances Don’t Have to Be Permanent
These techniques will help you gain traction in battling your financial troubles and keep you from going around the same mountain time after time, never getting past it.
Problems with finances don’t have to be permanent, no matter how the economy is going. God can make a way where there is no way, but it’s up to you to do your part.
God loves action, and all these steps require some form of action.
I’ve used all these techniques in the past, and still use them every day to get through all kinds of problems large and small. I can tell you they absolutely work, and if you use them routinely they will absolutely work for you too!
Have you used any of these 5 things to do battle against a tough situation?
Leave a comment and tell me about it.
Article originally published on Celebrating Financial Freedom. Used with permission.
Dr. Jason Cabler is a Christian personal finance blogger, author, and speaker. He teaches how to get out of debt and live a debt free lifestyle through his Celebrating Financial Freedom blog and self study course. His book How to Budget: The Quick and Easy Guide to Making a Budget That Works is now available (more info here). He can be reached for interviews or speaking engagements by email, and can be found on Twitter, Facebook, and Google +.
Publication date: September 4, 2013
Originally published May 25, 2022.