Engagement & Newlyweds

10 Ways to Treat Your Wife Like a Queen on Mother’s Day

With Mother’s Day in sight, you want to do something to honor your wife for all her hard work, right?
Updated Apr 27, 2023
10 Ways to Treat Your Wife Like a Queen on Mother’s Day

You’ve seen her pick up toys and dirty socks, make meals in a hurry, and drive around town like a personal chauffeur. She’s bandaged up boo-boos and dispensed sage advice along the way. Now with Mother’s Day in sight, you want to do something to honor your wife for all her hard work.

Flowers and dinner at her favorite restaurant are certainly welcome. But here are ten more ideas to treat your wife like a queen this Mother’s Day:

1. Offer a half day where you will do acts of service. 

Whether she asks you to plant flowers, clean your tool bench, go shopping with her or whatever, you'll do it gladly! She'll love having you complete some items on the "honey do" list.

2. Instead of avoiding a chick flick like the plague, go ahead and rent one you think your wife would enjoy. 

Send your wife an invitation to a movie night. Light candles, make popcorn, and snuggle up under a blanket while you watch.

3. If your wife works outside the home, send a love note to her office on Friday before Mother's Day. 

Tell her how much you appreciate her hard work in caring for you and the children. Praise her for specific ways she mothers your children with patience, wisdom, a sense of humor, etc.

4. See all that laundry piled up in the basket? 

Surprise your spouse by doing the laundry and putting it away. Remember to separate the darks and maybe even set the washer's setting to gentle to avoid ruining her favorite shirt.

5. Wash her car and vacuum the inside. 

Whether you have this done at a car wash or do it yourself, she'll appreciate driving a clean vehicle.

6. Have an unhurried time of prayer for your wife. 

Ask her to share her needs with you. Hold hands as you pray for her. Look up Scriptures together to encourage you both. Make time during the week to continue to pray for your wife. Share anything the Lord may say to you during those prayer times.

7. Take care of the kids for an afternoon and tell your wife she’s got free time! 

She can get caught up on scrapbooking, read a book, go to the store alone, watch a movie, have coffee with her girlfriend, whatever would re-charge her battery!

8. Turn your bedroom into a day spa. 

Draw a hot bath for your wife, complete with mountain high bubbles, candles and relaxing music. Then give her a Mother's Day massage. While you're rubbing her shoulders and back, tell her how much you appreciate all the things she does for your family.

9. If your children are grown and out of the house, plan something special with them. 

Maybe this is the Mother's Day for all the children to travel home to surprise mom. Or everyone can plan to call at a certain time, or send letters of appreciation that you can put in a folder for your wife.

10. Hire a housekeeper to clean the house so the house will be sparkling for Mother's Day without your wife lifting a finger.

As you can see, some of these ideas cost money but many of them are free. The key is to find something that would communicate love and appreciation to your wife. Proverbs 11:25 says that “a generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed.” Mother’s Day is a wonderful opportunity to refresh your wife, reduce her stress level, and strengthen her spirit with encouragement.  

When you make a special effort to honor your wife and give her a few surprises for Mother’s Day, she is sure to feel like a queen!  

Arlene Pellicane is a speaker and author of 31 Days to a Happy Husband and 31 Days to a Younger You. She has been a guest on Family Life Today, The 700 Club, Turning Point with David Jeremiah, and The Hour of Power. Arlene and her husband James live in San Diego with their three children. Visit Arlene’s website at www.TheHappyHusband.com.

Publication date: May 8, 2013

Photo credit: ©GettyImages/PeopleImages

Originally published May 08, 2013.