Inside the Editors' Room

Episode #1: On Curiosity and Coloring Books

It's our first episode! We're excited to share's newest endeavor with you and tell you why we're excited to be starting a podcast.
Episode #1: On Curiosity and Coloring Books

It's our first episode! We're excited to share's newest endeavor with you and tell you why we're excited to be starting a podcast. Barnabas Piper, author of The Curious Christian, sat down with Steve McGarvey this week to share why he's become so interested in the idea of curiosity, and it sparked a conversation among our editors on how curiosity relates to our faith, work, interests, and more. We chat about one particularly curious phenomenon making waves in Christian circles recently as well -- coloring books. Are they silly? Spiritual? Worth doing? Find out which editors like them, and which one says they just aren't interested.

Things mentioned in our conversation:

Check THIS Out:
Rachel: She Reads Truth Lent 2017: You Are Mine, a 49-day reading plan through Isaiah and 71 Days in Isaiah reading plan on
Kelly: #gifbible from David Hansen on Twitter
Shawn: Sarah Bessey’s “So I quit drinking.” blog post published March 11, 2017
Steve: Abstract: The Art of Design documentary series on Netflix

Where to find us:
Barnabas Piper’s website
The Happy Rant Podcast

In addition…
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Originally published March 31, 2017.