Go Inside the Voyage of the Dawn Treader with Author Devin Brown

Go Inside the Voyage of the Dawn Treader with Author Devin Brown
The Chronicles of Narnia returns to theaters in just a few weeks, prompting fans of C.S. Lewis's original books to chatter about what changes they'll find in the film version of The Voyage of the Dawn Treader. What about Eustace and the dragon? Can a series of vignettes make a coherent movie? And what about everyone's favorite Talking Mouse, Reepicheep?
We recently talked about these questions and more with C.S. Lewis scholar - and huge Narnia fan - Dr. Devin Brown. His new book, Inside the Voyage of the Dawn Treader, follows Lewis's original chapter by chapter and theme by theme. But Brown isn't such a Lewis purist that he can't enjoy the films. In our interview, we take a look back at Prince Caspian, discuss Lewis's lasting appeal, and what the next film absolutely can't omit. Join us for the conversation!
Go Inside the Voyage of the Dawn Treader with Author Devin Brown from CrosswalkDotCom on Vimeo.
Originally published October 18, 2010.