Your Daily Prayer

A Prayer to be an Admiring Wife - Your Daily Prayer - December 28, 2018

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A Prayer to be an Admiring Wife
By Dawn Wilson

Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.” (1 Thessalonians 5:11)

I stood in awe in the magnificent Musée du Louvre in Paris, transfixed by the treasures of art. “What a privilege to be able to admire such masterpieces,” I told my husband.

The more I studied each artistic masterpiece in the Louvre, the more I valued them. I understood why they were cherished. Then, arriving home, I kept praising the art, wishing everyone could see the magnificent artwork I was privileged to enjoy.

I gained a new perspective about the word “admiration” there—a perspective I’ve since applied to my marriage. I learned three ways to better admire my husband.

1. Focus on your husband intently. In our fast-paced culture, about the only things we focus on are computer screens, cell phones, and TV screens, but a marriage can dramatically improve when we learn to focus on our man. What does that “focus” look like?

Here’s what it looks like for me. I recently admired my husband’s manly body. I smiled as I watched him in ministry. I watched him parent with wisdom. I observed his responses to people, and how he modeled Christlikeness. I watched him work hard—so grateful for all the sweat equity he invested in our home.

And believe me, husbands notice the focus! They love to be admired. It’s in their DNA. Expressing admiration and gratitude to a man are like saying “I love you” to a woman.

2. Respect and value what makes him so unique. While it is wrong to make an idol of a spouse, wives can attribute worth or value to their husbands by responding to their leadership and showing proper respect (Ephesians 5:22-24; 5:33). I ask the Lord for a willing heart to honor my husband. It’s a choice.

The respect husbands long for is not based on performance, but rather on their God-given role in the home. Respect from a wife encourages a man and gives him confidence. It can even kindle fresh love in a struggling relationship.

3. Praise him in private and in public. Wise wives will look for opportunities to let their husbands know what they are doing well.

When a wife has true respect in her heart, she is motivated to generate life-giving words of admiration and praise. She will speak well of her husband in private and public.

Instead of using “sandpaper-ish,” disheartening words (Proverbs 21:23), I choose to allow the Lord to work off my husband’s rough edges while I focus instead on understanding, kindness and expressing helpful words that build him up (1 Thessalonians 5:11).

Prayer to be an Admiring Wife

Father God, help us wives understand how we can admire our husbands in ways that will encourage them and please You. Help us respect them as an act of obedience. Bless our homes for Your glory, Father. In Jesus’ name. Amen!

Editor’s Note: Content taken from “3 Ways to Show Your Husband He is Admired” by Dawn Wilson. You can read that piece in fullhere. All rights reserved.