Make Your Life Rich Without Money

Lucius Annaeus Seneca, around 60 A.D. said "Money has never yet made anyone rich." We know the truth in his statement, yet millions of us spend our lives pursuing what we think rich means: a new car, a plane trip to someplace exotic, or a worry-free journey to retirement.
Six things that characterize the richest people on earth:
- Rich people know the speed limit. Most of us know what makes our lives rich. We know what brings us joy, what glues a permanent smile to our faces. The trouble is, we're driving too fast to notice. We're too busy working overtime, meeting deadlines, running stoplights; the things that make life rich are lost in the blur. Rich people pull out of the fast lane and look around for the answers.
- Rich people hit curveballs. Their lives have not been the easiest. They don't always pick up the phone and hear good news, or respond with grace to every crisis. But they are learning how to stand in the batter's box and take a swing when life throws them a curveball. They are learning where to turn when the road starts to wind unexpectedly.
- Rich people are people people. C. S. Lewis said that "Friendship is the greatest of worldly goods." At its best, companionship deepens our joy, lightens our load, and brightens our paths. But, face it, friendships end. Marriages dissolve. People disappoint. Rich people still reach out to others, even when they've been disappointed or hurt.
- Rich people know where the buck stops. It is important to know what money can - and cannot - buy. Money can buy nice houses, but not a home; a fancy bed, but not a peaceful sleep; companions, but not friends; sex, but not love; new cars, but not safety; pills, but not health, fun but not fulfillment. The apostle Paul said, "I have learned in whatever state I am to be content."
- Rich people leave the right things behind. When we leave this earth, we won't take anything with us. Some will leave an inheritance of wealth. But the greatest legacy we can leave behind are our footprints - everywhere we go. Grace-full footprints. Footprints of encouragement. Of kindness. Of forgiveness. Of love. Footprints that others will want to follow.
- Rich people have the last laugh. Some people do their darndest to bring us "back to earth," focusing on the bad times. But although times may be bad, they are the only times we have. It's much better to spend time playing ball with your kids, or planting a tree, than to be depressing yourself - and others - with unfulfilled dreams or regrets. In the darkest of times, rich people know that the best is yet to come...heaven.
From Making Life Rich Without Any Money by Phil Callaway, copyright (c) 1998. Used by permission of Harvest House Publishers, Eugene, Ore.
Phil Callaway, called "Dave Barry with a message," is known worldwide for his humorous, yet perceptive, look at the Christian life. He has written Honey, I Dunked the Kids, Daddy, I Blew Up the Shed, and The Total Christian Guy. Phil began Servant magazine, in 1988, with readers in more than 100 countries. He teaches creative writing at Prairie Bible Institute in Canada. He lives in Three Hills, Alberta, with his wife, Ramona, and their three children.
Originally published November 17, 1998.