Encourage Yourself in the Lord
When no one gets in line to tell you what a great job you're doing, when no one seems to agree with your decision to obey God the best you can, what can you do?
Do what David did: Encourage yourself in the Lord! A band of Amalekites captured the wives, family members, and property of David's entire army when they were away from home. Upon returning, and after crying until they could cry no more, many wanted to stone David. In the midst of this crisis, David encouraged himself in the Lord. (1 Samuel 30:6)
When those you have loved and worked with leave you, taking their support with them—encourage yourself. When your family misunderstands you and your friends betray you—encourage yourself. When those who have been your comrades in battle decide you are to blame for their problems and pain—encourage yourself.
How to encourage yourself in the Lord:
- Review your victories. Remember some of the awards or trophies you have obtained. Look over them again. Get out the thank-you letters from those you have blessed over the years. Read over the testimonies of what God has done through your life and ministry. Recall the memories of God's working in your life to see how far you've come.
- Remember your calling and mission from God. This will empower you with purpose and perseverance. Know that God has His hand on your life. Where God guides, He provides. Whom God appoints, He anoints.
- Rekindle your passion for intimacy with God. A relationship with Jesus and the Holy Spirit will bring a renewed sense of significance to your life. He loves you. He is for you, not against you. When He is for you, no one else can be against you. You are God's very own possession, bought and paid for with the sacrifice of His son.
- Reward yourself by taking time for some enjoyment. Relax from the daily pressure of expectations facing you. Rest in the Lord's goodness and grace while you are regrouping.
- Regroup in the areas that have been overlooked or where you are discouraged. An evaluation of the neglected areas of your life should be done on an ongoing basis. See what positive changes you could make in those areas.
- Reaffirm the goals and vision God has given you to realize that the suffering is worth achieving the goal. You might find some goals that aren't worthwhile that you can discard from your list.
- Remit the debts, offenses, and resentments you have accumulated in your life. Most discouragement comes from the injustices and disappointments you experience.
- See things from God's viewpoint. Until you get God's perspective on your life, you will always be overwhelmed with the impossibilities. Get rejuvenated with a fresh outlook from the throne of the Almighty.
From Requirements for Greatness by Lori Wilke, copyright (c) 1996. Used by permission of Destiny Image, Shippensburg, Pa., 1-800-722-6774.
Lori Wilke, also author of The Costly Anointing, travels extensively with her music and her teaching ministry, encouraging the body of Christ and bringing the healing message of God's love to the lost. She and her husband, Tom, are the senior pastors of Spirit Life Church and Hebron in Ministries, Milwaukee, Wis. Together they reach out through books, tapes, radio, and special ministry events. They have one daughter, Laurelle.
Originally published October 05, 1998.