April Motl

Go Tell It! - Day Six

25 Days of Sharing Jesus with Your World
Published Nov 23, 2012
Go Tell It! - Day Six

Day 6 of the Go Tell It: 25 Days of Sharing Jesus with Your World series.


May the Lord magnify His name through your life this Christmas season and always...


Day 6
Guard you heart from the worldliness of gifting and decorating that might steal away from Christ being your center. I'm not saying gifting and decorating aren't a fun and sweet part of celebrating the Greatest Gift, just guard against letting the pressures and stresses of the season rob you of love, joy, peace and patience. In the middle of the hustle and bustle (and often selfishness and rudeness accompanied with long lines, busy shoppers, traffic, etc) the Holy Spirit’s love, joy, peace and patience in your life will testify of Christ to those around you.

Day 5
Consider your Christmas traditions and how they might reflect Christ even more. Elves, Santas, Sugar Plum fairies and such aren't necessarily bad; they also aren't necessarily good even if they're fun. Pray about how you can best honor the Lord in your celebrations. By fostering Christ honoring traditions, you are passing on a heritage that is eternal to your family. Your children and grandchildren are wired to learn from you/be influenced by you in a special way - pray for God to show you opportunities to share Him with your family.

Day 4
Obey. A life of obedience to Christ is the best witness! Too often Christians have used the name “Christ follower” without letting the reality of that statement into the depths of their daily living. When we live so inconsistently the world around us views us as hypocrites. As the saying goes, “Preach the Gospel at all times. Use words when necessary.” Our actions do indeed speak more loudly than our words!

Day 3
Be ready. 1 Peter 3:15 tells us to have a ready answer when someone asks us why we hope in Christ. I can say from sad experience, there’s been a few times I simply wasn’t ready! Study up, pray up and if God leads, be fasted up for the opportunities God has prepared for you to share Him.

Day 2

Care. People don’t care how much (or what) you know until they know how much you care. Ask the Lord to show you ways you can be His hands and feet to reflect His caring heart toward those who need Him this Christmas season (and always).

Day 1
Pray. I know it sounds overly simplistic, but without our moment by moment abiding in Christ we can't bear a single ounce of fruit! So ask God to lay specific people on your heart, write their names down and commit to pray for them everyday through this season.

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Originally published December 06, 2012.