Thankfully Triumphant
But thanks be to God, who always leads us in triumph in Christ, and manifests through us the sweet aroma of the knowledge of Him in every place. 2 Corinthians 2:14 NAS
As we draw near to Thanksgiving and count our blessings, I find one of the sweetest blessings after my salvation to be found in the knowledge of what I know is coming. I saw an advertisement for a TV movie in which a slightly senior woman was diagnosed with cancer. She told her doctor she knew how the story ended and she liked beginnings better. Those words drifted in and out of my thoughts for days.
I know how the story ends, and I must say, I think the end is much better than the beginning!
Our end is triumph! Triumph as individuals living in the grace of our Lord, and triumph corporately as we partake in the glory of Christ’s kingdom come.
As we traverse through life’s journey we can treasure the knowledge of the story’s end, but that grand finale can also serve as fuel for gratitude. In the midst of the seasons where the puzzle pieces of life simply won’t fit together, the ends won’t meet or whatever larger-than-life difficulty we face, we can maintain a heart of steadfast faith and sweet gratitude that our Lord knows how to set the pieces together, make the ends meet and He is larger than any and all of our troubles. He is faithful to lead us individually and corporately as His people into sweet triumph. He does it in His time and in His way, but we can be thankful that our Lord sits sovereign over our lives and has written the good ending for our story.
If we walk through life with this truth steadfastly in our hearts and woven into our testimony, we will be a sweet aroma proclaiming the goodness of our Lord. Our lives will be a good testimony to those around us.
I wonder what might feel less than “triumphant” in your life right now ... a marriage? Job situation? A relationship? Finances? Whatever issues are burdening your heart today, commit them to your faithful Father, search out His desire for that area of your life through studying His Word, follow Him and be confident -- even thankful -- for the triumph that He will lead you to!
Originally published December 18, 2011.