Chris Legg

New Big Bang Research - Part III

why is "nothing" so hard to understand?
Published Oct 02, 2014
New Big Bang Research - Part III

I wanted to add my final note and my sources that I cited here as well.

Another note: In another Science Friday interview with Dr. Krauss (Jan 13, 2012 – Science Friday), Krauss confronts the question of “Why there is something rather than nothing.”

Krauss makes the claim that the question of “ ‘Why is there something rather than nothing’ is a scientific question, not a religious or philosophical one…”

I think this largely stems from Krauss’s obvious continued confusion about what “nothing” is. Dr. William Lane Craig has been driven to pulling hair out about Krauss’s confusion here. After listening to this interview, I began to understand.

Clearly nothing means “not anything.” But Krauss still equates empty space and nothing as the same thing. In essence, Krauss does not believe in “nothing.” And he also seems to be unable to understand this simple definition.

As a therapists and a pastor too, sadly, I have known many men who seem unable to assimilate new information.

Maybe the rational definition of “nothing” is too new a way of thinking for him.

He talks about how empty space and “nothing” are the same thing and then he will talk in detail about how empty space is not truly empty – but is full of all kinds of stuff. Wouldn’t that mean that it is not empty? By what possible standard could that be considered “nothing”?

With his definition of “nothing”, you can understand why he would say things like, “nothing can create something all the time…”

Further, at one point, one of the scientists made the claim that “When people ask “why” what they really mean is “how”, and went on to clarify that “If you say ‘why does the sun shine?’ you really mean ‘how does the sun shine’.” No, it isn’t. At least it isn’t when I ask it.

I ask why, and am interested in “why”. I am asking “why” as in “what explains the source – what explains the fact that it does shine rather than not exist. I am asking for source and motivation. I am NOT asking “how.”

I understand the process of HOW rain falls. They water cycle is pretty evident. I want to know WHY that cycle exists in the first place.

I understand the HOW of evolution, to the degree it can be understood with all the gaps… but I want to understand WHY the mutations happened, WHY life exists. WHY is there anything rather than nothing.


“Science Friday”… on March 21, 2014, hosted by Ira Flatow

“Science Friday”… on Jan 13, 2012, hosted by Ira Flatow Achenbach, Joel.

Peplow, Mark.

Originally published October 16, 2014.