Dena Johnson Martin

Does God Truly Redeem?

Will I truly see God's redemption for all the pain I am experiencing?
Published Aug 15, 2023
Does God Truly Redeem?

"Are you truly happy?"

That was the question posed to me earlier this week in a conversation with a friend facing divorce after a decades-long marriage. It's the fear of the unknown that creates so much anxiety, even when the marriage was unbelievably difficult, fraught with betrayal and pain of the deepest kind.

Will I ever be happy again?

Will I ever experience healing?

Will I ever find peace and joy?

Will I truly see God's redemption for all the pain I am experiencing?

As I began to answer her question, I could feel my countenance change. I couldn't stop the smile that crept across my face as I began to talk about the journey through the pain and devastation of adultery and divorce. I shared about God's faithfulness in the journey, about how He changed me from the inside out. I told of His faithfulness every step of the way, of the ways He cared for me in the darkest days of my life. I told of His goodness to bring me a man who--though not perfect--truly loves me as Christ loves the Church.

Oh, the joy!

The journey God took me on throughout those years forever changed me. Changed my heart. Changed my perspective. It made me a richer person for having experienced the deepest and most intimate betrayal.

I would not trade the journey for anything.

But, I know some of you are reading those words and wondering when you will experience the joy, the beauty, the redemption that can only come from God.

While I can't tell you when, I definitely help you know how to experience God's redemption.

Surrender to God's way. Do you want to know when I began to experience God's power in my life? It was the moment I fell to my knees in the bathroom, crying out to God.

"Lord, I don't want this journey. But, if this is what you have for me, I will take it. Just don't let my pain be in vain!"

Did my life change immediately? No. I still had many years of pain to work through. I still had to face unbelievable accusations. I still had years of wandering in the wilderness.

But I'll never forget the peace that came over me. I'll never forget how the anger began to melt away. I'll never forget how my heart of stone began to soften and allow God to speak and work in me.

When we choose to surrender our will to His, we begin the process of allowing God to put us into a position where He can redeem our pain.

Rid yourself of anger and bitterness. Are you holding onto anger? Bitterness? Have you chosen to rehash the wrongs done against you on a daily basis? Maybe even multiple times every day? Do you tell everyone you meet about how evil he/she is?

If so, you will never experience the redemption God wants to bring to your life.

Scripture teaches us repeatedly that our blessings are dependent upon our obedience. the Bible is full of references to forgiveness, reminding us to forgive as Christ forgave us (Colossians 3:13), to be kind and tenderhearted forgiving one another (Ephesians 4:32). We are told to get rid of all bitterness, ensuring no root of bitterness remains (Hebrews 12:15).

If we allow our hearts to be hardened toward others, to hold onto anger and bitterness regardless of the ways they have hurt us, we will never get to experience God's goodness the way He intends.

And it's not just forgiveness. The truth is God desires our obedience to all His ways. Obedience is the gateway through which God's grace flows.

Ask for God's perspective. So many times, we think we know what redemption should look like. He should restore our marriage or give us a new one. He should give us a better job to replace the one we lost. He should give us a perfect relationship with our kids. He should replace all the money we lost in the midst of the devastation.

Here's the thing: we think too small. Our human minds cannot fathom what God has planned (Ephesians 3:20)! Our ideas of redemption may look nothing like God's idea.

Let me give you an example: Roy has always wanted to be a dad, to have the joy of kids that love him. My kids have longed for a dad in the midst of their own pain and loss. In God's sovereignty, He brought my kids and Roy into each other's lives creating an amazing relationship. It isn't what any of them wanted or expected, but it is so incredibly beautiful!

God's way are not our ways (Isaiah 55:8-9). Even when man's free will, God has the ability to redeem. But, we have to ask God to change our perspective, to give us a vision of what His picture of redemption looks like.

Focus on Him. I'm not sure there is ever a gift greater than God's perfect peace! It encompasses every aspect of our lives and allows us to walk through the most difficult of circumstances with grace. We can face each day with confidence, never buffeted by the ways of fear and anxiety.

Sounds great, right? But how do I get it?

You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in youIsaiah 26:3

It's right there in black and white: we keep our minds focused on Him. We learn to make Him the first thought of our mornings and the last thought of our days--and every thought in between. We find ways to train our brain, to be transformed by the renewing of our minds (Romans 12:2). We live our lives in a state of constant prayer knowing He is right here with us no matter what we are facing.

And then, His perfect peace that surpasses all understanding will guard our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:6-9).

Do you want to experience redemption? It's always a heart matter! Let God search your heart and show you anything that is not pleasing to Him. Let Him lead you in His way, the way everlasting (Psalm 139:23-24). When you do, you will experience His redemption!


Originally published August 15, 2023.