Through God's Eyes
I was reading through the book of Acts this week and was struck by something I had never seen before:
Moses was taught all the wisdom of the Egyptians, and he was powerful in both speech and action. Acts 7:12
Do you see what I see? Moses was powerful in speech and action.
Wow. If I remember the story of Moses correctly, that was definitely not what he thought about himself. When He was standing at the burning bush, his attitude was quite different.
But Moses protested to God, “Who am I to appear before Pharaoh? Who am I to lead the people of Israel out of Egypt?”Exodus 3:11
But Moses pleaded with the Lord, “O Lord, I’m not very good with words. I never have been, and I’m not now, even though you have spoken to me. I get tongue-tied, and my words get tangled.” Exodus 4:10
If you remember the story, Moses argued with God.
Not me, God! I'm not good enough.
Not me, God! I don't speak well.
Not me, God! This task is too much for someone like me.
Not me, God! You must have the wrong person.
But, centuries later, the apostles--through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit--said Moses was powerful in speech and action. Crazy what a different perspective brings.
Have you ever been like Moses? Arguing with God that He made a mistake in choosing you? That you don't have what it takes to follow through?
I guess you are in good company. Moses didn't think very highly of himself. Even though he was raised in Pharaoh's palace with the best this world had to offer, he was pretty down on himself when God called him. Maybe he thought he was unforgivable. After all, it hadn't been that long since he had murdered an Egyptian. Maybe he was carrying a burden of sin and guilt. Maybe he had been bullied for a speech impediment for most of his life. We don't really know why he was so convinced he wasn't worthy.
But God saw something totally different. He saw a man who was powerful in speech and action. He saw a man who had the courage to confront Pharaoh. He saw a man who had the qualities of a leader of nations. He saw a man who could face untold hardships and still remain standing.
He saw a man whose heart was willing to obey despite circumstances.
And now, that same God is calling you. I don't know what He's calling you to, but He hears your cries. He hears your fears. He hears your insecurities.
Yet, He sees something different. He sees a vessel that is sanctified, useful to Him, prepared for every good work (2 Timothy 2:21). He sees a heart that desires to be obedient to Him. He sees someone fully committed to Him and His kingdom.
He sees someone who is willing to let His Spirit work in them and through them.
What do you do if God is calling and you are trembling?
Commit yourself to obedience. God never asks us to be responsible for the outcome; that is 100% up to Him. Our only responsibility is to walk in obedience to Him.
Get alone with the Word of God. Listen carefully for His voice. Determine now that you will walk forward in obedience to Him, no matter what He asks.
Commit yourself to trusting Him completely. Has He ever failed you? Does His Word tell you that He is trustworthy? Can you remember all the times He has come through at just the right time?
Reflect on His faithfulness, on all the ways He has been there for you. Rehearse the many gifts He has given you. Reflect on His goodness in your life. And when you arresting confidently in Him, commit yourself to putting your complete faith in Him.
Commit yourself to following through. Sometimes we reach a plateau--or a wilderness like Moses and the Israelites. We find ourselves crossing the Red Sea on dry ground and then start doubting because the army is pursuing us. We get scared and we give up.
If we are going to be seen as powerful in speech and action, we have to follow through. We can't let the distractions of this world derail us from what God has called us to. We must be willing to follow through until we see His victory.
I don't know where you are, but this passage speaks to me. God has plans for us. He sees way more in us than we often see in ourselves. We just need to remember that He is faithful, He is good. All He wants is our hearts and our obedience.
When we hide ourselves in Him, He puts everything we need in us.
Originally published October 26, 2022.