Dena Johnson Martin

To the one...

To the one who is grieving and overwhelmed...
Published Aug 18, 2020
To the one...

To the child who is stuck in an abusive home with no way to escape…

To the man who just lost his job and doesn’t know how he’s going to provide for his family…

To the woman whose ex-husband continues to harass her…

To the mother who is fighting for custody of her child…

To the father who feels like he is failure and destroying his children…

To the couple struggling with infertility…

To the child who feels rejected by his absentee father…

To the widow grieving the sudden death of her husband…

To the mother fretting over her adult daughter’s decisions…

I hear Him whisper…

I see you.

I see your tears, the pain in your heart.

I hear you.

I hear your cries as you lie on the bed. I hear your pleas as you beg me to intervene.

I care.

I care more than you could ever imagine. My heart breaks with you as the tears stream down my face for you.

I understand.

I understand what it is to walk this earth, to live in this broken state of humanity. I have been in your place and walked through the heartache and pain.

I am near.

I am near the brokenhearted (Psalm 34:18). I am near when you call on me. I am near even when you can’t feel me.

I am praying for you.

I am sitting at the right hand of the throne of God, interceding with groans that cannot be understood by human ears (Romans 8:26). My heart speaks with words only the Father can understand.

I’m not going anywhere.

I’m not leaving you. I will never abandon you (Hebrews 13:5). You are mine, and I can never disown my own (2 Timothy 2:13).

I love you.

I love you more than you can ever imagine. I love you so much I gave my life for you.

I am enough.

I am more than enough to get you through. My grace is sufficient (2 Corinthians 12:9). My strength is more than you can imagine.

I am powerful.

I am powerful enough to make all things right. I am strong enough to calm you in the midst of the storm. And my power is at work in you (Ephesians 3:20).

I am working.

I am working in your midst even if you can’t see it, even if you can’t feel it. One day you will see how my hand was patiently working all things for your good (Romans 8:28). One day you will see how I am doing exceedingly and abundantly above all you could ask, hope, or imagine (Ephesians 3:20).

My sweet child, I know this is more than you can handle. I never asked you to handle it. I don’t want you to handle it. I want you to cast all your cares on me because I care for you (1 Peter 5:8). I didn’t design you to carry this burden, to carry the weight of the world.

I designed you to surrender, to cast it all on me. I only ask you to seek me first (Matthew 6:33), to make knowing me your top priority. I promise when you do you will experience my amazing peace that surpasses all understanding (Philippians 4:7). I promise when you do mountains will move and the seas will roar with the sound of my name. I promise you will see how I am making all the pieces fit together into something beautiful, something that glorifies me and is good for you.

I promise I am taking your brokenness and making beauty from it.

I only ask you to trust me with it all.

Originally published August 18, 2020.