Dena Johnson Martin

What's Your Idol?

We all know idol worship is forbidden, but have you ever truly evaluated your life to see what you are worshiping?
Published Nov 03, 2022
What's Your Idol?

I find myself re-learning the same lessons over again.

This week, I was praying as I went about my morning. I found myself begging God to hear my prayers, to see my heart, to answer my prayers.

Until several scriptures began running through my mind.

But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Matthew 6:33

The words are so familiar, and yet they were completely new. Penetrating my heart. Jarring me from my prayers.

When you ask, you do not receive, because you ask with wrong motives, that you may spend what you get on your pleasures. James 4:3

In an instant, I knew. I had fallen into the old trap of idol worship in my life. No, I'm not bowing before a graven image, but I have put other things in a place of higher priority in my life.

Have you ever thought about what might be an idol in your life?

Maybe it's marriage.

Or money.

Or pleasure.

Or popularity.

Or power.

Or influence.

For me right now, money is my idol. No, I don't live to spend or desire great riches. I simply find myself frequently crunching numbers, trying to calculate how much I need to save to retire in 5 years, 10 years, or will I ever be able to retire. I look at where we are, where we need to be. I spend way more time than I should focused on how much, how little.

It's not like I have intentionally focused my time on money. Instead, I'm exhausted. The years of fighting to survive, of working non-stop, have taken a toll on me mentally, physically, emotionally. I'm ready to step back, to focus more time and energy on the things I love.

But I need the money to survive.

In the quiet of the morning as God's Word pierced my heart, judging my thoughts and attitudes, I knew exactly what I need to do.

I have to stop seeking the things of this world and start seeking God and His righteousness.

And when I do, just as He promises, all these things will be given to me (Matthew 6:33). I've seen it. I've lived it. In those days as a single mom, I watched as He took what little I had and He multiplied it. Multiplied my money to ensure we were clothed and fed. Multiplied my energy to enjoy life, to enjoy my kids. Multiplied my joy as I got to know Him. Multiplied my love for Him as I gave my time to Him.

He is the God of multiplication. He only asks that we give Him our hearts, that we hide ourselves in Him until His desires become our only desires.

And so, I began to ask myself a few questions. How do I get back to that place where He is my heart's only desire? How do I return to seeking Him and His righteousness first?

What do I need to remove from my life? The first question quickly came to my mind. What is in my life that needs to be removed? Where am I giving my time and energy that needs to be focused elsewhere?

I have a phone, a smart phone. It was the first thing that came to my mind. It is always with me, always available to provide immediate answers to my questions. My phone--in and of itself--is not a bad thing. It only becomes bad when it consumes my time and energy. So I began to evaluate the apps on my phone. Which ones are only there to be distractions? What apps are nothing more than time wasters?

There are other things in our lives that distract us from God. Maybe it's the TV. Maybe it's the music we listen to. Maybe it's some other form of entertainment. I don't know what it is for you, but ask God to reveal those things in our lives that take our attention from Him and remove them from your lives.

What do I need to add to my life? You knew it was coming. Yes, my next question is simple: what is missing in my life that will help me focus my heart and mind fully on God? For me, I know I need to find a strong Christian community. Over the years, I fell into simply being Mom. I didn't have time or energy for other relationships, so I only had the acquaintances at the music events, basketball games, livestock shows, volleyball games. Whatever my kids were involved in, I built acquaintances--not deep friendships.

Roy and I are teetering on the edge of the empty nest, with one living at college part of the year and one planning to move out as soon as he is established in his dream job a few months from now. We are now alone more than we are with kids, and we no longer even have kid activities to connect us to others. We need community. We know we are stronger in community, that God created us to live in community. We know we need to add community to our lives.

What is it for you? What are you missing that you need to add to your life? What can you find that will put you in a place to make you more like God? What can you add that will help you fall in love with Jesus for who He is instead of what He can do for you?

What do I need to change in my life? The final question I have to ask is about change. There are always things in our lives that have to stay, but maybe they need to change.

I'm still working through this one, asking God to reveal what changes I need to make. I've been in positions where God clearly told me to leave my job. Doesn't mean I was to quit working but that He had a job change for me. Right now, I'm still praying through what God wants me to change, what is necessarily in my life that needs some measure of change. I know He will reveal it in His time.

What is it for you? Do you hear God whispering change in your ear? Do you sense His Spirit nudging you toward change in some area? Please listen. He promises to renew our strength when we put our hope in Him (Isaiah 40:31).

Are you burned out? Needing to find change in your life? Needing to find peace again? If so, join me in seeking renewal. Join me in identifying those things that are distracting you from fully focusing on God. I know it's a journey, one that takes time and energy. I also know the rewards are so great.



Originally published November 03, 2022.