Download Your FREE Copy of "Great Joy"
We have just released our brand-new Advent devotional called Great Joy: Advent from the Gospel of Luke. The book contains 25 daily devotions covering December 1-25.
You can download the ebook for FREE from Amazon for five days only:
Sunday, November 29-Thursday, December 3.
If you have trouble downloading from the Amazon website, you can download it from the KBM website.
Starting Tuesday, December 1, I’m going to do a live video at 8 AM CT each morning during this Advent series. You can watch it on the KBM Facebook page or the KBM YouTube page. We will archive the videos so you can watch them any time you like.
Here's the introduction to this brand-new Advent series:
The Hardest Year
“I survived 2020.”
Someone could make a fortune selling t-shirts with that slogan. Maybe someone already has. It’s been that kind of year. Twelve months ago we could hardly have imagined what was about to happen:
A worldwide lockdown.
A new word: pandemic.
Something called “sheltering in place.”Then came economic unrest, trouble in our cities, a crisis of confidence, a rising death toll, and the search for a vaccine. Add to that wildfires, floods, and so many hurricanes that we went through an entire alphabet of names. Finally, we had the most contentious election anyone can remember.
It has been a hard year.
And it’s not over yet.But before we wrap up 2020 and move on to what we hope are better times, we come to Advent. That’s the season that starts around Thanksgiving and leads us to Christmas. Traditionally, it’s a time for introspection when we turn the focus away from ourselves and think about our need for Jesus.
Lord, we need you.
We’ve always needed you.
This year it feels like we need you more than ever.Our Advent journey starts with the angelic announcement of the birth of Christ: “I bring you good news that will bring great joy to all people” (Luke 2:10 NLT).
Good news.
Great joy.
All people.We could use a full helping of good news and great joy at the end of the hardest year we can remember. That’s where these Advent devotionals can make a difference. All of them come from the gospel of Luke. I chose Luke because he emphasizes that Christ came for the whole world, including the hurting and the overlooked.
Each devotional ends with a prayer and a link to a YouTube video of a Christmas song. I hope you’ll take time to read the prayer out loud and then watch the video. Those two things will point your heart in the right direction.
Do you need some good news? Read on. I hope you also find great joy. Remember, Christ came for “all people,” which means he came for you.
Let’s get started on our journey to Bethlehem.
I am asking you to do three things:
1. Download your copy of "Great Joy."
2. Share it with your friends on Facebook.
3. Write a brief review on the Amazon page.
This new series starts on Tuesday, December 1. Download your FREE copy of Great Joy today!
Expand your faith and increase your joy by joining us on this Advent journey.
Ray Pritchard
PS Click here to sign up for the free email sermons.
Originally published November 28, 2020.