Prisoner at Cook County Jail Meets Jesus
Recently we received a letter from a prisoner named John at the Cook County Jail in Chicago. Someone gave him a copy of An Anchor for the Soul along with a Bible. He began his letter this way:
I've just completed reading 'An Anchor for the Soul' and I have received Jesus Christ as my Savior.
Then he did something no one else has done, out of the thousands of letters we have received from prisoners. He wrote down the prayer of commitment from the book. Every word. He dated it and added his initials. He explained it this way:
Tears rolled down my face as I read that prayer, mainly the first sentence: 'For too long I've kept you out of my life.' Not any more!!
Finally, he wrote this:
I do put my full trust in Jesus Christ as my Savior and know that he loves me and saved me.
I have no idea how he got a copy of Anchor because we work with many different prison ministries. There are always many links in the chain of salvation, but behind it all stands the Lord. I'm glad the gospel of Jesus is still the power of God to everyone who believes.
Please join me in praying for John that he would stay strong in his commitment to Christ.
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Originally published January 25, 2021.