American Counseling Association and religious liberty
Last Wednesday, February 13, I sent a letter of complaint to the American Counseling Association along with over 400 of my closest colleagues (getting close to 500 by now, in part thanks to the American Association of Christian Counselors). In brief, I believe the ACA violated Policy 301.7 when the ACA Ethics Committee said
There are treatments endorsed by the Association for Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual Issues in Counseling (see, a division of the American Counseling Association and the American Psychological Association (see that have been successful in helping clients with their sexual orientation. These treatments are gay affirmative and help a client reconcile his/her same-sex attractions with religious beliefs.
Policy 301.7 states:
Policy 301.7
Policy and Role on Non-Consensus Social Issues of ConscienceHaving respect for the individual’s values and integrity in no way restricts us as individuals from finding legitimate avenues to express and support our views to others, who decide and make policy around these issues. To this end, it will be ACA Governing Council policy to encourage its members to find and use every legitimate means to examine, discuss, and share their views on such matters within the Association. We also endorse the member’s right to support social, political, religious, and professional actions groups whose values and positions on such issues are congruent with their own. Through such affiliations, every member has an opportunity to participate in shaping of government policies which guide public action.
To truly celebrate our diversity, we must be united in our respect for the differences in our membership. To this end, the role of the Association in such matters is to support the rights of members to hold contrary points of views, to provide forums for developing understanding and consensus building, and to maintain equal status and respect for all members and groups within the organization. Following this philosophy, the Governing Council considers it inappropriate for this body to officially take sides on issues which transcend professional identity and membership affiliation, and which substantially divide our membership, at least until such time that there can be a visible consensus produced among the membership.
Approved: 7/15/90
Now read this full Ethics Committee opinion and see if you think 301.7 is violated. I suspect readers will break along ideological lines but, in my mind, this is just one of several issues where ACA has taken positions in absence of consensus.
The Alliance Defense Fund is also supporting my view of the situation with this letter. ACA President Brian Canfield contacted me to say that the issue will be brought before the ACA Governing Council at the March meeting. Just to be clear, I am not taking issue with the responsibility of the ACA to identify questionable treatments (and there are some "treatments" that should be examined) but I am disturbed by their assertion that one religious view should be preferred over another by counselors.
The ADF just put out a press release on this matter. Any counselors who want to join should contact me at
Originally published February 18, 2008.