Dr. Warren Throckmorton

GLSEN Denies Placing Offensive Material in Brookline MA HS

Published May 18, 2005
GLSEN Denies Placing Offensive Material in Brookline MA HS

The Boston Herald is reporting that the leaders of the Gay Lesbian and Straight Educators Network (GLSEN) deny placing offensive materials where middle schools students could get them. However, the story is also reporting an eyewitness.

Several years ago, GLSEN did a similar workshop at Tufts University and provided very graphic information concerning sexual activities. Initially, GLSEN denied knowing anything about the workshop content. Later, when a tape of the workshop surfaced, GLSEN had to acknowledge the situation.

I wonder what it will take this time?

By all appearances, it seems unlikely that GLSEN did not know the Little Black Book was on a table next to the registration table. This is a very efficient organization; Director Kevin Jennings is often touted as a master organizer. I doubt that this booklet walked in there without GLSEN organizers knowing about. I may be wrong but as one who has studied this group, I have a hard time believing it.

I suspect more revelations will come from this event. I have been informed by folks involved that this book was one of several that were on display with questionable content.

Stay tuned...


Originally published May 18, 2005.