Julianna Morlet

We Aren't Meant to be Self-S... (A Thought Interrupted)

"I have an overwhelming tendency towards self-sufficiency..." I don't even remember the rest of the sentence, but as soon as those words flew out...
Updated May 04, 2012
We Aren't Meant to be Self-S... (A Thought Interrupted)


We were at a conference all last week, that spoke specifically to the work we are wanting to do in Los Angeles. It was 4 full 8-hour days, including dinner together, learning, discovering, sobering, and inspiring us for the future. It was both refreshing and overwhelming, in a good way. 


We made so many amazing connections with couples that really spoke wisdom and encouragement into our lives. I know for me, as the wife of a risk-taking dreamer and being one myself, we can often loose sight of reality. You know, like bills, money, living situations, just little things like that. It's safe to say the conference gave us tools and knowledge that will take us far, so long as we use it. haha.


There was one day where all the women got together and had a session of our own. We talked about girly things and the emotional aspects of church-planting as wives. The challenges of balance and family, ministry and rest. One sweet lady said something that stuck to me like super glue. In telling her side of her church-planting story she said, "I have an overwhelming tendency towards self-sufficiency..." I don't even remember the rest of the sentence, but as soon as those words flew out of her mouth, I leaned over to Ty and said, "I want to be her friend." Why? Because that is me.


I have an overwhelming tendency towards self-sufficiency.


It's not a secret and it's not okay either. And I think some of you may feel the same way too. It might be a woman complex, or probably more like a human race complex. I can't even count how many times, just today, I have struggled to grasp control over uncontrollable situations. And it's only 11 a.m., people. Her point was, that though she tries to accomplish life on her own, or fix unfixable situations, she's learned she makes a bigger mess that way. 


We aren't meant to be a self-s

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Funny story. As I was writing this post, a dear friend walked in and we just got done talking for over an hour. Totally a divine appointment. Her presence reminded me how much I need encouraging people like her in my life. 


I prayed for confirmation this morning in a couple areas of my life, one of them being relationships and friendships. I'm so boggled and overwhelmed and grateful right now.


So the remainder of this post will forever be a mystery because friends, God is real. He loves you and He loves me. He sees you in your need and me in mine and He proves Himself faithful every time. He will always provide what you need. Crazy. So, so crazy. 


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To connect with Julianna more find her on Twitter or Facebook or her Blog


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Originally published May 04, 2012.