Kelly Balarie

3 Ways to Remain In God's Love

How do you remain in God's love when you feel pressured by the world, overwhelmed with life and burdened by other people? Learn 3 ways to stay with...
Updated Sep 09, 2016
3 Ways to Remain In God's Love

In the movies I watch, they tend to throw out the command, "Stand down!"

It's this moment where the person in charge, usually some Captain or Corporal or Chief gives a word that calls all effort to halt. It calms the strong ambitious and unruly one wanting to push ahead with might, power and strength.

"Lay it Down. Give it up. Cease-fire. Stand Down." 

There is a Creator, a Captain and a Care-taker, who has a much higher view than we do. God sees the good ending to our present moment, far more clearly than we do. He also sees all the steps we need to take to get there.

The Captain knows, what you do not know.

Where are you prone to push ahead?

To overexert yourself - speaking a rash word, entering in when you should step out,
getting angry, rather than getting alone with God?

The commander has a word for you too: "Lay it Down. Give it up. Cease-fire. Stand down." 

As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Now remain in my love. Jo. 15:9

Standing down is remaining in God's love.

I don't do this. Remain.

Even right now, I am thinking of all that I need to do. I am writing these words, but my heart is thinking of the house I need to rent, the kids I need to get enrolled in school and the work that I need to do today. I only have 2 weeks until school starts. I want to start working. I need to get this post written. I am a hypocrite.

"Lay it Down. Give it up. Cease-fire. Stand down." 

What might it look like to leave - seen stress for God's unseen love?

To just walk away from the overwhelming nature
and let God's overwhelming nature pacify the fears?

I can't help but think, where God is, light is. And, where light is - clarity focuses.

Are you, like me, looking for a way to go?

Perhaps, you and I are approaching it all wrong. What if instead of flicking on every light, we stayed in the dark and waited for his light to lead?

For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God. Col. 3:3

Power is not in forging ahead, it is in standing down.

I don't need to do, Jesus already did.
I don't need to act great, Jesus is.
I don't need to hide lies, for grace lies in repentance.
I don't need to pretend I know, God knows.
I don't need to fix, God already has the answers.
I don't need to hide, unless it is in God's shelter.
I don't need to perform, the curtain closed and love won.
I don't need to fear his leaving, God is steadfast and good.

"Lay it Down. Give it up. Cease-fire. Stand down." 

To stand down? It looks like this:
1. Lay it down: To give God what you're trying to own.
2. Give it up: To step out in faith, knowing that his goodness will lead to a good result.
3. Cease-fire: To stop blaming other people, problems or circumstances.

In Christ, I rest.
Needing nothing less.
Nor nothing more.
For He is the door to my more.
He sees the battlefield.
He knows my way.
His battle is won at the end of my day.


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Originally published September 09, 2016.