Kelly Balarie

Finding Deep Adventure with Jesus

Do you go with Jesus to risky places? Do you walk with him in the unknown? Adventure with Jesus
Published May 07, 2015
Finding Deep Adventure with Jesus

Eyes on Jesus
Eyes on his ways
Eyes on his path
Not on others
Not on the waves
Not on the sea
Not on the pain
Not on the people
Not on the plan
But on him

As we see him, we see our way
His unique way planned out just for us
It doesn't conform to industry standards
or opionions.

It simply conforms us to Him, his will,
his peace and his love 
it sends us down roads of renewal and life.

These paths we go on are not the paths of others
so when we look at others paths and compare
we only slowly move off of his glowing easy path
and move onto a hard-moving dead end one. 

We become discouraged,
rather than encouraged,
because what we thought was our lot - is not.

He always had a unique road laid out for us, but we missed it.  

So, we pick up our heart from the ground,
and seek our way back to his path,
which always waits,
which always stands,
which always is ready to take us where we need to go.

We again place our eyes on him and keep walking towards him
knowing when we are in him, we are in his will for us.

He will open doors, he will make people listen
and he will do all the things that seem impossible.

There is no where he won't take us when we are following his ways,
there is no place to wild, no land too incredible, no forest too fantastic,
he travels with us and we are safe.

Our life is his adventure and we are along for the ride.

We may end up in a place we never expected
but then again he will do what we never expected
by passing all of our expectations.

What unbeaten path may he be calling you out on?

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Originally published June 09, 2015.