When You Worry Something Bad is Coming in the Future and You Don't Know What to Do

I walked in the door, dropped my bag and called upstairs to my husband, "Want to take a walk?"
Shockingly, he did. He wanted to enjoy the spontaneous burst of warm weather that was gracing our air. We put on our shoes and headed out. I had no idea I was about to be graced with his wisdom too.
We headed down a forest laden trail. It was beautiful.
"Kelly, I wonder what is up there, beyond that bend?"
I already knew, I'd walked the trail time and time again.
He went on, "I think God says, we don't have to know what is beyond our bends. We don't have to see what is up ahead. We just have to walk with him in the moment, knowing he is up there already. He is already where we are headed. And, that's all we need to know. We are free to enjoy the purple flowers, the flying birds and the moving clouds. We can simply trust he has what we are walking into."
I knew I married this guy for a reason.
I nodded my head in agreement. "Yep," I said, " because if we are so caught up with what we can't see, we'll miss what we can. Plus, once we get to that bend, we will want to know, yet again, what is beyond the next one. It's a losing battle."
Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. Heb. 11:1
The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you... (Deut. 31:8)
“Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble." (Mt. 6:34)
Often, I am so caught up in what's coming, I miss the table of beauty God has laid in front of me today. I don't partake in what is good. I fear what is bad. I adjust my shirt just right so my stomach bulges don't stand out too much. I grip onto tight schedules so I have a handy excuse for social situations I am terrified of. I cling on to my kids hand with a death grip, hoping the doesn't stray to far away from mom if I let go. I rush through breakfast and traffic lights and pajamas trying to my couch and TV.
But, my husband reminds me - I don't have to hold on to what is up ahead - or fear it - for God is already there. It's like he rushed ahead and set the table in advance, so when I arrive, the goodness awaits. Sure, sometimes it might look like the table is empty or it's not as I thought, but as I am present with him, in the moment, he always surfaces some sort of surprise party. His spiritual blessings all jump out at me and I leap for joy. I realize, "Wow God, what I really wanted is right here."
And, friend, what you want is right before you. For what is before you, in this moment, is your God. He is with you and will not let you go. Keep walking with him, no matter how good, how bad or how ugly your trail looks. For, you never know, when you might stumble you upon your - surprise party!
So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. Is. 41:10
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Originally published March 09, 2017.