Activate God's Word: One Way to Really Start Believing
What do you do when something terrible, horrible and life-impacting happens -
especially when you are sinking into fear and anxiety?
This is what I was asked as my hard work disappeared before my very eyes. This is what I was asked as my progress was erased. This is what I asked as I thought about the myriad of things flipping, flopping and dying right my very eyes.
In this reflective moment, in the pause right before the full tsunami of tension hit, I had a choice:
Would I stand in the power of God or would I fall to the power of fear?
Ever stood here?
This moment, it is a critical one. If you leave nothing filling that second, you will inevitably succumb to distrust. If you leave it untended by God, you will certainly feel alone. And if you leave it empty, you no doubt fill it with endless thoughts of preposterous scenarios. But, if fill it with truth and life and warrior words, you will wage war - and win - against what intended to take you down.
Here is how it works: Read a portion of scripture (we will use Psalm 62), personalize it and speak it aloud. Choose to believe it. Believe it over your body, believe it over every relationship that hurts, believe it over your finances, believe it over your family, believe it over you heart, believe it over your discouragement and believe it over anything that is coming against.
When you let the good yeast of God's truth, rise above the lies -
you find it squeezes out worry.
Psalm 62
My soul finds rest in you, God;
you are my salvation.
You are my only rock and my salvation;
you are my fortress, I will not be shaken..(Psalm 62:1-2)...
My soul, finds rest in you God;
my hope comes from you.
You are my rock and my salvation;
you are my fortress, I will not be shaken.
All my salvation and my honor depend on you, God;
you are my mighty rock, my refuge.
I trust in you at all times, every single time;
I pour out my heart to you,
God, you are my our refuge.
I am but a breath,
Nothing, only a breath.
I will not put vain hope in stolen goods;
I will not make riches the center of my life
nor will I set my heart on them.
For I know:
“Power belongs to you, God,
and with you, Lord, is unfailing love”;
and, “You reward me
according to what I have done.” (Psalm 62: 5-12)
The more Gods' Word sits in,
the more thoughts of negativity and disaster are forced to move out.
It simply works like this: You speak it, you believe it and because you believe it, you live it.
The answer to oncoming attacks and injuries is not to wait for the blow to knock you over, it's to step into it on offense, with the Sword of the Spirit in motion so you can slay what Christ Jesus has already beaten. This doesn't mean that every single predicament is fixed and tidied up, but what it does mean is every predicament is seen through the power of God's eyes.
God wants to give us spiritual clarity and he wants to help us fight our battles.
What might God want to slay if you gave his Word a chance to fight on your behalf?
God is your rock, your fortress and your refuge - in him, you cannot be shaken.
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Originally published February 15, 2016.