Kelly Balarie

Really, Do Not Worry

Do you feel you cannot keep up?
Published Jan 30, 2018
Really, Do Not Worry

I have got so much to do and I don't know how I can ever take care of everything because there is not enough time in the day plus I can't even begin to get on top of that laundry and the family needs clothes and I wish I was a better seems everyone else has buckets and labels for all the things they have so that everyone knows where things are located...and I can't seem to keep track of where the scissors I am hardly making dinners, most nights it is quick-eats, not gourmet dinners and I need to get my kids more nutrients because they need to have strong bones and I really should be taking my daily vitamins but I am not even doing that and what if when I get old my bones crack in half and I am hunched over and have to spend the rest of my life sitting in a lawn chair or strapped to a recliner...

"Don’t worry about such things. These things dominate the thoughts of unbelievers all over the world, but your Father already knows your needs." Lu. 12:29

God knows our needs.

“Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and he will give you everything you need.” Lu. 12:30

Seeking the Kingdom first = Getting everything you need.
Letting go of the mind-rubbish consuming you to let God's plans consume you = Getting everything you need.
Seeing the world as God's drawing board and you as the paintbrush = Getting everything you need.
Getting love loosened from you and into the world = Getting everything you need.
Keeping your eyes on the kingdom of God, versus the kingdom of your every-waking-need= Getting everything you need.
Being watchful through prayer and diligently pursuing God = Getting everything you need.

God knows what we need. He has a good plan to give it to us. We need not worry about our fiefdom; it is all about His kingdom.


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Originally published February 15, 2018.