What Faith Does
Look back and think of some miracles God has done in your life.
My miracle: He completely healed me from an eating disorder.
My miracle: He brought money into my mailbox on the very day I believed, many years ago when I couldn't pay rent.
Your miracle: ____
Your miracle: ____
These past miraculous mile-markers serve as huge celebrations. Essentially, we said to God at that time, "Father, I want to ____. I need to ___. Only you can ___." Then, Jesus did.
Times like this are recounted again and again in scripture. For example, a blind man said to Jesus, "I want to see!” (Lu. 18:41)
Jesus replied: "Receive your sight! Your faith has healed you." (Lu. 18:42)
It was this man's faith that healed him. Faith permitted him to receive his healing versus doubting it and blocking it. He opened up his arms to a new idea, versus crossing them. Doing this was powerful, because look what happens. . .
We are told, "Instantly the man could see, and he followed Jesus, praising God. And all who saw it praised God, too." (Lu.18:4e)
Notice the progression at work here...
Our faith leads to our receiving: This becomes our seeing.
Seeing leads to following Jesus.
Receiving and seeing creates a life of praising.
Our praising makes others start praising.
Where might your small mustard-seed-size faith start a wildfire of praise in this world? Don't discount a small beginning of faith; God does not despise it. Instead, remember the wonders of old and recount the faithfulness of yesteryear. Re-establish that your God is able. And believe. Get ready to receive God's new thing.
Kelly’s new book, Fear Fighting: Awakening Courage to Overcome Your Fears has been called “A must read,” “Breathtakingly honest” and a “Great Toolbox to Overcome Fear.” Read it today.
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Originally published February 27, 2018.