Jim Liebelt

Correlation Between Teens' Social Media Time and Restrictive Eating

Researchers have found a correlation in teenagers between the amount of time spent on social media and restrictive eating behaviors or eating...
Published Feb 02, 2023
Correlation Between Teens' Social Media Time and Restrictive Eating

The following is excerpted from an online article posted by CTV News.

Researchers at Sainte-Justine Hospital in Montreal have found a correlation in teenagers between the amount of time spent on social media and restrictive eating behaviors or eating disorders.

The findings were published in the journal Psychology & Health and followed 3,801 high school students over five years.

"Social media makes you feel less good about yourself and promotes a desire to be thinner, to have concerns about your weight, and potentially engage in restrictive behaviors," said lead author Patricia Conrod.

Her previous work researching a link between social media and depression was used during a 2021 Congressional hearing where Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg was questioned about the link.

Conrod said it can fuel a downward spiral where looking at an app can generate negative emotions, but instead of turning away, it can lead to more time scrolling.

"The more you are in a lower mood, the more you'll turn to social media, and the more social media will impact on your mood in a negative spiral," she said.

Source: CTV News

Originally published February 02, 2023.