Mark Daniels

A Morning Prayer

Don't let the world dictate your priorities today.
Updated Jun 14, 2018
A Morning Prayer

Lord, I confess that—so often—I miss the point of following You. Christianity is not about being the best husband or Dad, or feeling good about myself. It’s about dying to the world, and living a life of faith in Jesus Christ. It’s about glorifying God with my thoughts and actions, my priorities and my choices. Help me rise above merely chasing after dollars, and trying to get ahead. Help me trust in Your promise to provide, and put my energy into that which pleases You: the stuff that rust and moth cannot destroy. Thank You for the good things You give, and help me focus on that which is  true and noble, whatever is right and pure, whatever is lovely and admirable—all things excellent or praiseworthy—may I think about such things, and remember how they reflect Your character. Father, I long for Your holiness. Make me clean, as I prepare for another day of serving and loving You…empowered by Your Spirit, and emboldened by the sacrifice of Your Son Jesus, in Whose Name I pray…Amen!

This article is part of our larger Prayers resource meant to inspire and encourage your prayer life when you face uncertain times. Visit our most popular prayers if you are wondering how to pray or what to pray. Remember, the Holy Spirit intercedes for us and God knows your heart even if you struggle to find the words to pray. 

Prayer for Healing
Prayer for Strength
Prayer for Sick
Morning Prayers
Thanksgiving Prayer


Originally published February 26, 2015.