Mark Daniels


Seems everyone has something to whine about these days.
Published Aug 17, 2015

I’m offended! Hey…in today’s culture, that should grab EVERYONE’s attention! There should be a legion of corporate executives with somber faces, ready to apologize for whatever offense may have rankled my sensitive sensibilities!

So WHY am I so put off? may have seen that recruitment video for a University of Alabama sorority? The one where dozens of beautiful young women frolic before the camera in various outfits? It’s been the fascination of NBC’s Today Show for nearly a week now, and we’ve heard the outrage from feminists, the diversity police, and others who were OFFEN-N-NDED by the video. The university was pressured to take it down, though the production still plays as “B-Roll” every few minutes on “Today.” You know why I’M offended by this spectacle?

Because I’m simply tired of people being “offended” by everything. And, I’m wondering who gets to choose what “offends” all of “us” in the first place.

For example: Katie Yoder, a staff writer for the Media Research Center, online at, reported August 13th that—out of 243 hours and 30 minutes of network news shows—the so-called “Big 3” have only covered the Planned Parenthood scandal for 23 minutes and 32 seconds. 23 minutes, out of 243+ HOURS of news coverage! Digging deeper, the MRC found that the networks played the controversial videos in question for a grand total of 1 minute and 13 seconds of those 23 minutes, and that none of the graphic images were displayed. ABC News hasn’t played a single SECOND of the undercover videos. Maybe if “Caitlyn” Jenner made a cameo appearance in them, we might see more from David Muir.

The Rising Generation is already tuning away from network television at a record pace. How about you?

Originally published August 17, 2015.