Mark Daniels

May it Be Resolved

Lose 50 pounds, be a better Dad, and a "more spiritual" Christian!
Published Jan 02, 2015
May it Be Resolved

Are new year’s resolutions worth it? Many say they don’t work. I have to disagree! I believe that most people, if they make resolutions at all, sabotage themselves.  They make those resolutions too vague…you know, “I’m going to be a better dad , or a more spiritual Christian in 2015!” How do you measure success in that scenario? Or, well-meaning people set unattainable goals: “I’m gonna drop 50 pounds by Tuesday!” The secret to successful New Year’s resolutions is to make them specific and realistic. Wanna hear mine? I’m going to spend 15 minutes in God’s Word every morning. Not JUST when I’m preparing a radio show or Sunday School lesson. I’ m going to let the Holy Spirit’s agenda supplant mine, for a change! I’m also resolving to exercise 30 minutes a day, 3 days a week. Not a full-blown Nautilus workout, but a simple, steady walking pace on my treadmill! And finally…I’m going to organize my prayer life. I’m going to keep a list of everything and everyone I’m praying for, and set specific times on my Outlook calendar to lift them before the Lord. So, keep me accountable! And let me know about YOUR resolutions. My email is!

Originally published January 02, 2015.