The Last Generation?
We’ve begun a discussion on the morning show about new research that reflects what we already sensed: a huge number of Americans under the age of 30 is not only unchurched, but claims no religious affiliation whatsoever. Some call them “Generation None.” 3 of every 4 of those people say they seldom or never attend a church service! This has dire implications for the church today, and going forward! And I realize that it’s mostly older dudes like me who sit behind microphones, or have positions of authority in the church…so I want to ask the next generation of church leaders: what do we need to do and say to reach millennials and Generation Y for Christ? Or, if you’re part of that younger cohort…what is so unappealing about the Christian faith in general, or the American church in particular, that might be keeping you away? These aren’t rhetorical questions; as a church elder myself, I’m looking for real answers! So many people believe we have to blow up the church model, or compromise what we believe to become more attractive and inclusive for today’s new breed of sinners! Pastors, you can let me know what’s worked for you to keep the next generation in the church! I’m looking for everyone’s feedback! You can email me, or post on my Facebook™ page, MarkDanielsShow. Leave a message on my direct line at (610) 729-1216. How do we keep Generation “None” from abandoning Christianity, and the church? I’d love to hear from you…
Psalm 144:4 "One generation will commend Your works to another; they will tell of Your mighty acts."
Originally published December 10, 2014.