Advent 2013: Awe and Wonder Day 24
Oh it is so easy to get caught up in it all. To get caught up in preparation, perfection, activities, merriment over Christmas. That is what is most familiar to me: the attempt make everything look like a Norman Rockwell painting which will hopefully be engrained in everyone's mind as the picture perfect Christmas experience. I got caught up in it yesterday, the day before Christmas Eve...the eve before the coming birth of our King. I got caught up and stressed out and all out cranky. It wasn't pretty. But what is pretty is the idea that we are allowed, no...encouraged to bring Jesus our worship even if it is stressed out and cranky. For He makes all things new. (Revelation 21:5)
Today's FINAL Advent Scripture from THE VOICE: Psalm 100
1 Raise your voices;
make a beautiful noise to the Eternal, all the earth.2 Serve the Eternal gladly;
enter into His presence singing songs of joy!
Lord, my beautiful noise might very well come out of the need to just shout Your name for out of desperation––the desperation that I have nothing more to give You than my beautiful noise. May the noise of my worship drown out the noise of the world around me. You are worthy.
3 Know this: the Eternal One Himself is the True God.
He is the One who made us;
we have not made ourselves;
we are His people, like sheep grazing in His fields.
Lord, I declare this to You today: You are my One True God. Today, as I worship You, the Son of God, the Word made flesh, I knock down all the things––the idols––that threaten my pure straight, forward focus on You alone. Thank you, God that I am YOURS.
4 Go through His gates, giving thanks;
walk through His courts, giving praise.
Offer Him your gratitude and praise His holy name.
Jesus! Thank you that I am daily, even minute by minute allowed in Your courts––in your presence. Thank You for shedding Your blo0d. I praise You for your resurrection. I look at Awe and Wonder at the veil that was torn for You made a way for me to enter Your courts. I dedicate my praise to You. Help me, Jesus, to LIVE OUT! my faith even when I just don't feel like it. I praise You with my life because YOU gave Your life first.
5 Because the Eternal is good,
His loyal love and mercy will never end,
and His truth will last throughout all generations.
Thought my mind can't completely comprehend, You are Eternal and I revel in this with much Awe and Wonder. I know that I stand firm and unwavering when I stand in Your presence...for You are unwavering and never changing.
Amen!!! Merry Christmas, friends!
Originally published December 23, 2013.