
Top 10 Fundraising Tips for Your Ministry

No matter what your ministry or endeavor, if you need to raise money to put a project in motion, these 10 tips will help you make your fundraiser...
Published Feb 19, 2019
Top 10 Fundraising Tips for Your Ministry

From church youth groups to sports teams to missions trips to non-profit businesses: no matter what your ministry or endeavor, if you need to raise money to put a project in motion, these 10 tips will help you make your fundraiser more successful.

Fundraising Tip #1: Be enthusiastic.

People don’t want to give money away, but they do want to be a part of a great cause, an exciting dream, or a bold vision. So when you ask for a donation, have enthusiasm and energy! Don’t just ask for asking, and don’t just ask for money. When you seek out donations, smile and share your enthusiasm for the greater cause of your fundraiser.

Fundraising Tip #2: Ask people to join your team.

The most successful groups are the ones who go beyond just asking for money. When you ask people to give you money, you’re asking them to join your team, not just open their wallets. So make sure you tell people why they need to be a part of your cause or mission. Cast a vision of a change for the better you'll be achieving together. You’ll be surprised how excited people get when they learn how to be a part of something special.

Fundraising Tip #3: Remember generosity is contagious.

The single overriding reason people don’t give is not because they don’t want to give, but because they haven’t been asked. How often do you refuse to help when asked? A recent study showed that 85% of the time, people donate to a cause when they are asked. God gave us all the gift of empathy. People are looking for ways to be unselfish, kind, and benevolent. It’s your privilege and calling to give them that opportunity!

Fundraising Tip #4: Don't be afraid to ask.

You’ll raise zero dollars from everyone you don’t ask. Fear is the single greatest obstacle to fundraising. The fear of asking prevents other people from receiving the benefits of giving. If you’re afraid to ask (or you feel like you’re begging) remember people always feel better about themselves when they’re generous. The most successful fundraisers are the fearless fundraisers!

Fundraising Tip #5: Show how you saved money.

We’ve seen that it’s easier to sell, for example, a collective merchants' discount card fundraiser, when you can show and tell people how you personally saved money as a cardholder. Activate a card and identify some deals and discounts in your area. Find some local favorites! Print some coupons! It’s easy to save well beyond the cost of a card. If you can share a personal story of how you saved money, you’ll sell more cards and raise more money. Some people even show receipts to illustrate how much they saved.

Fundraising Tip #6: Embrace the biblical principle of giving and receiving.

Well-intentioned fundraising for God's Kingdom work is based on the biblical principle of giving and receiving. Did you know when you offer the opportunity to contribute you’re a vessel to demonstrate the “gift of giving?” It’s true! When people give to you and your cause, they’ll begin to receive almost immediately. You can feel good about that!

Fundraising Tip #7: Remember that it's a blessing if your fundraiser can save people money.

People love to save money. We all live on tight budgets and when given the chance to save money, we jump at the chance. If you choose a savings card for your fundraiser, your donors have the unique opportunity to save much more than what they donate to purchase the card. Since people love to save money, you are giving back more than they give. What a blessing!

Fundraising Tip #8: Set a goal.

It’s important to give your group a goal, an overall goal and individual goals. It’s best if your goal is a “set” dollar amount. Even if you don’t reach that amount, everyone will have something to strive for, and less will be likely to quit until your group brings in the funds needed. A specific goal will push your group to clearly define its progress. Goals in writing are dreams with deadlines!

Fundraising Tip #9: Set a deadline.

You might be thinking you should give yourself ample time to start and end your fundraiser. We find the opposite is actually true. It’s best to fundraise over a shorter period. This helps to keep the team motivated, as the longer the fundraiser, team members may lose interest. The most successful fundraisers are always done in 2 to 3 weeks.

Fundraising Tip #10: Celebrate!

When your fundraiser is complete, don’t forget to thank and congratulate your team. Fundraising is hard work. Your team deserves a high-five! Some groups plan victory parties even when they get started. This helps to give the group more focus and enthusiasm. Recognize your most successful team members and let everyone know how much you appreciate everyone's help raising money!

Originally published February 20, 2019.