Dr. Charles Stanley: A Testament to a Life Lived in Obedience to God

The world seemed to stop this week at the news of the passing of Charles Stanley. Stanley was not only an author, a pastor for over fifty years, and an inspiration to millions; he was a son of God who dedicated his entire life to obedience to God. His death is a mix of emotions of sadness that we here on earth have lost such an incredible man, but an exuberant joy that at least this faithful son is home in Heaven with God. Charles Stanley lived a remarkable life, one we can all learn from for how to live a life fully surrendered to God in obedience.
Beauty from Hard Beginnings
If you tuned in weekly to the broadcast of In Touch with Charles Stanley, you were certain to find rooted truth in Scripture met with practical application in how to live life by the Spirit- even in the hardest of times. Charles Stanley grew up in the middle of the Great Depression, and his father died when he was only nine months old. His childhood was not easy, but he had a mother who genuinely and passionately raised her son to know there is a God Who loves all of us and desires to have a relationship with each of us. At the age of fourteen, Stanley felt a call from the Holy Spirit to pursue a life of ministry, and he faithfully carried that out for the remainder of his days.
Obedience Even When the Path Is Unclear
In a recent sermon I watched of Dr. Stanley's, he shared a personal story of a time in which the path forward was hazy, but the call of the Lord was clear. He would often share personal stories and testimonies of his walk with the Lord to serve as examples of the faithfulness and goodness of God. In this particular story, he shared how he had a plan set and was ready for how his summer was to be spent, but in a time of prayer with God, he was asked to pivot and change his plans. He had the opportunity at that moment to either obey God or to walk in his own way against what he had clearly heard. Although it made no sense in the moment, Stanley obeyed God and went onward with God's path for that period in his life. As time would prove, Stanley found himself as the pastor of the town God had called him to that summer, and it would inevitably lead him to Atlanta, Georgia, where he would serve as pastor for over fifty years. This story and countless others shared on Sunday mornings were proof that we do not need to wait to have an understanding of something in order to obey. We simply need to give God our "yes" and move forward.
Surrendered to God
Dr. Stanley also taught us by example that living a life of obedience to God requires us to surrender to His Will, His plans, and His ways of navigation. He wisely shared, "Obey God and leave all the consequences to Him." Consequence is what occurs after an action has taken place, and he challenged listeners to surrender those consequences to the only one who is properly capable of ensuring all things work together as they ought to. He also provided insights that in surrender, we must also surrender to the timing of the Lord. Regarding waiting, he aptly shared, "Our willingness to wait reveals the value we place on the object we're waiting for." In an age of desire for instant gratification, Charles Stanley reminded us of these core truths.
Firm But Kind
One of the greatest strengths of Dr. Stanley was how clear it was that in his obedience, he was unswervingly firm to truth but loving in approach. He knew that when God speaks and commands, there are no ifs, ands, or buts about it; God's Word stands firm. It was also clear that he could deliver such messages placed on his heart or revealed to him in a way much like that of Jesus in love. It was so evident and apparent that the Holy Spirit abided in him and that he was marked distinctly by God. An example of this was how he encouraged sharing your faith with others, "God's plan for enlarging His kingdom is so simple- one person telling another about the Savior. Yet we're busy and full of excuses. Just remember, someone's eternal destiny is at stake. The joy you have when you meet that person in heaven will far exceed any discomfort you felt in sharing the gospel." He knew that life on this planet is short, and we were called in the Great Commission to share faith, but he did it with a heart of love in all that he did.
A Remarkable Life
Charles Stanley truly lived a remarkable life. When we break down the word remarkable, we can say it in the way that something is re-marked. His life was one where the impression, the imprint, the marking he left on this planet will be marked again and again for the Kingdom of God Almighty. From his sermon on leaving a Godly legacy, he taught:
"Because you see, the truth is life is a gift of God. Think about it for a moment. The very reason that you're alive is because God gave you the privilege of the gift of life. And He gave you a body, a soul, and a spirit. He has equipped you with the skills and abilities and talents that you need to accomplish His purpose and plan for your life. He has a will for your life, and that will is very clear. The problem is that oftentimes many people do not even begin to ask the question: What is God's personal will for my life? It's very clear in the Scripture what His will is for all of us universally. What is His purpose and plan for your life? Why did He place you here? Somebody says, "Well, I was an accident." No, you weren't. Somebody says, "Well, I'm a nobody." No, you're not. You're somebody in God's eyes. The question is, why? What is God's purpose? And it's very clear in Scripture, and that is two-fold purpose God has in mind for leaving you here. And that is, first of all, for the purpose of good works, and secondly, that you would bring Him honor and glory."
We can all learn from these words and the countless lessons he shared about living a truly remarkable life.
A Legacy of Obedience
It is easy to talk the talk, but Charles Stanley was truly a man of integrity and honor that walked every single day walking the walk in fully surrendered obedience. We can only imagine the cheers of absolute rejoicing as a beloved son heard the words of the Father, "Well done, My good and faithful servant." Dr. Stanley was a man who left a mark on this world for Christ. It is one that will never be erased.
Originally published April 20, 2023.