
Our 20 Favorite Songs about Jesus

Updated Jul 19, 2024
Our 20 Favorite Songs about Jesus

Before we take a look at some of our favorite Jesus songs for praise and worship, let's look at the reason why we worship. We worship to express praise for who God is, to exalt him, and to give thanks to Jesus. We worship to thank God the Father and Jesus, for all he has done for us, with grateful hearts. We worship to draw near to the living God, to spend time in his presence. We worship to experience Heaven on earth.

As we draw near to God in worship, there are many subjects that we sing about. One of the most common themes in worship songs is the sacrifice of Jesus and gift of salvation God gave through him. We sing to thank God for this incredible gift, to praise Jesus for his painful sacrifice. We exalt the One who showed us how to live, who never sinned, yet carried the sins of the world. We remember that by his blood, we are reconciled to God and that nothing “will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” (Romans 8) We remember that there is hope beyond the grave.

"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life." ~ John 3:16

We’ve compiled a list of Our 20 Favorite Songs about Jesus to remind you of who he is and what he’s done for us. To quote songwriter Stuart Townend, “How deep the Father's love for us, how vast beyond all measure that He should give His only Son to make a wretch His treasure. How great the pain of searing loss. The Father turns His face away as wounds which mar the Chosen One bring many sons to glory.”

Top 20 Songs about Jesus:

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1. "Forever"

1. "Forever"

“We wanted to write a song that would bring glory to Jesus and paint the picture of the crucifixion again. I know we have songs about that. In this scenario, it is about how our resurrected King has rendered the Enemy defeated. All glory and all honor and all praise to Jesus for coming to this earth and dying on the Cross for our sins, and raising to life, defeating death, the Enemy and the grave. We will forever sing Hallelujah and glorify Jesus because of what He has done for us.” -Kari Jobe

“Forever” is written by Kari Jobe, Brian and Jenn Johnson of Bethel Music. The song has been recorded by both artists and has been made popular by Kari Jobe. Some of the powerful lyrics included in this song are: “His body on the cross/His blood poured out for us/The weight of every curse upon him” and “The ground began to shake/The stone was rolled away/His perfect love could not be overcome/Now death where is your sting/Our resurrected King has rendered you defeated.”

Forever lyrics © Bethel Music Publishing, Capitol Christian Music Group

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2. "Hosanna"

2. "Hosanna"

“Hosanna” was written and performed by Brooke Fraser Ligertwood of Hillsong Church. It has also been performed by Christy Nockels and is a popular contemporary worship song.

The worship song references Jesus’s entry into Jerusalem with the chorus: “Hosanna/Hosanna/Hosanna in the Highest.” (Matthew 21) It also talks about “the King of glory/Coming on the clouds with fire,” which may also allude to other verses in the New Testament. This apocalyptic imagery is found throughout this song of praise. The lyrics also mention the atoning sacrifice of Jesus for our sins. The last verse mentions a generation of believers rising up “with selfless faith” and revival as believers pray and seek the Lord.

The lyrics of the bridge are: “Heal my heart and make it clean/Open up my eyes to the things unseen/Show me how to love/Like You have loved me/Break my heart for what breaks Yours/Everything I am/For Your kingdom’s cause/As I walk from earth into eternity.” This worship song is a passionate song of praise to the Lord, declaring his power and love, exalting him. It is also a song of encouragement to believers and a personal plea for God to make us more like him.

Watch the music video here!

Photo Courtesy: Thinkstock/Sedmak

3. "Revelation Song"

3. "Revelation Song"

Performed by Kari Jobe, “Revelation Song” has incredible imagery of Heaven, referencing the book of Revelation. The song even includes part of Revelation 4:8: “ ‘Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty,’who was, and is, and is to come.” The song talks about the worthiness of Jesus and the power of his name, that it is “breath and living water.” The song also talks about how holy God is and who he is, as the King of Kings and “who was and is and is to come.”

Some of the lyrics include: “Worthy is the Lamb who was slain/Holy, holy is He/We sing a new song to Him who sits on/Heaven's mercy seat” and “Clothed in rainbows of living color/Flashes of lightning, rolls of thunder/Blessing and honor, strength and glory, and power be/To You, the only wise King” and “Filled with wonder, awestruck wonder/At the mention of Your name/Jesus, Your name is power, breath and living water/Such a marvelous mystery.”

The song was written by Jennie Lee Riddle and has been performed by Kari Jobe, the band Phillips, Craig, and Dean, the Newsboys, and has been translated into both Spanish and Portuguese languages.

Watch the music video here!

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4. "All Hail King Jesus"

4. "All Hail King Jesus"

The song, “All Hail King Jesus” depicts the crucifixion of Jesus. It references his death on the cross, atonement of sins, the veil being torn, and Jesus’ resurrection in the tomb. The chorus and bridge of the song encourage worshipers to praise Jesus for who he is and what he has done.

Performed by Jeremy Riddle, this song was written by Ran Jackson, Peter Mattis, Jeremy Riddle, and Steffany Gretzinger. Some lyrics from this song are: "There was a moment when the lights went out/When death had claimed its victory/The King of Love had given up His life/The darkest day in history/There on a cross they made for sinners/For every curse His blood atoned/One final breath and it was finished/But not the end we could have known" and “All hail King Jesus/All hail the Lord of Heaven and earth/All hail King Jesus/All hail the Savior of the world” and “For in a dark, cold tomb/Where our Lord was laid/One miraculous breath/And we’re forever changed.”

Watch the music video here!

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5. "What a Beautiful Name"

5. "What a Beautiful Name"

One of the most recognizable worship songs today, “What a Beautiful Name” is written about “the name of Jesus” and who he is. The song reminds worshipers that he was “the Word at the beginning/One with God the Lord Most High/Your hidden glory in creation/Now revealed in You our Christ.” The song also tells worshipers that his name is powerful and nothing is comparable to the name of Jesus.

Some of the lyrics to the song are “Death could not hold You/The veil tore before You/You silence the boast of sin and grave/The heavens are roaring/The praise of Your glory/For You are raised to life again” and “You have no rival/You have no equal/Now and forever God You reign/Yours is the kingdom/Yours is the glory/Yours is the Name above all names.” The song is performed by Brooke Ligertwood of Hillsong Worship and was written by Ligertwood and Ben Fielding. “What a Beautiful Name” won several awards in 2017 and 2018.

To watch an intimate acoustic performance of this song, click here.

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6. "Jesus Paid it All"

6. "Jesus Paid it All"

This song is a favorite hymn, passed down throughout the ages. It was originally written in 1865 by a choir member, Elvina Hall, in church. Hall’s pastor combined her words with organist, John Grape’s music.

Jesus Paid it All” is about how Jesus atoned for our sins, washing us clean. The chorus is a familiar refrain: “Jesus paid it all,/All to Him I owe/Sin had left a crimson stain/He washed it white as snow.” It describes being complete in Jesus, clothed in his righteousness and “divinely blest.”

Some of the lyrics are: “Lord, now indeed I find/Thy pow’r, and Thine alone/Can change the/leper’s spots/And melt the heart of stone” and “And when before the throne/I stand in Him complete/I’ll lay my trophies down/All down at Jesus’ feet.”

Jesus Paid it All” was written by Elvina Hall, music by John Grape. A modern arrangement was written by Alex Nifong and is performed by Kristian Stanfill.

To read the story behind this hymn, click here.

Watch the original version here!

Watch the modernized hymn here!

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7. "Jesus at the Center"

7. "Jesus at the Center"

The song, “Jesus at the Center,” is about how Jesus is the at the center of everything. It’s a song praising Jesus for this and also asking him to be the center in the lives of us, as believers and at the center of the Church.

Some lyrics from the song are “Nothing else matters/Nothing in this world will do/Jesus, You're the center/Everything revolves around You/Jesus, You” and “From my heart to the Heavens/Jesus be the center/It's all about You, yes, it's all about You/From my heart to the Heavens, Jesus be the center/It's all about You, yes, it's all about You.”

Performed by Israel & New Breed, it was written by Israel Houghton, Micah Massey, and Adam Ranney. It is also performed by Darlene Zschech of Hillsong as “Jesus at the Centre.”

Watch the music video here!

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8. "My Victory"

8. "My Victory"

This song is about the victory we, as believers have through the cross of Jesus. It talks about how the Jesus atoned for all of our sin, shame, and guilt. It also describe how Jesus came for all people, especially the undeserving and sinful. The second verse is about the Lord’s grace: “in You my soul is safe/You cover everything.”

Some of the lyrics are: “Behold the Lamb of God/ Who takes away our sin/ Who takes away our sin/ The holy Lamb of God /Makes us alive again/ Makes us alive again” and “Oh Your love bled for me/ Oh Your blood in crimson streams/ Oh Your death is hell’s defeat/ A cross meant to kill is my victory.”

“My Victory” was written by David Crowder, Hank Bentley, Ed Cash, and Darren Mulligan. It is performed by Crowder/Passion and We Are Messengers.

Watch the music video here!

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9. "Resurrection Power"

9. "Resurrection Power"

Resurrection Power” is a worship song by Chris Tomlin about the power we, as believers, have through Jesus Christ. Jesus calls us out of our old way of life, living towards destruction, and gives us new life, redeeming us, and resurrecting us. He gives us power, “resurrection power,” that lives inside of us. The chorus reminds believers of the freedom that Jesus has given us.

Some lyrics from the single are “Now I have resurrection power/Living on the inside /Jesus, You have given us freedom/No longer bound by sin and darkness/Living in the light of Your goodness/You have given us freedom” and “I'm dressed in Your royalty/Your holy spirit lives in me/I see my past has been redeemed/The new has come.”

This song was written by Ryan Ellis, Ed Cash, and Tony Brown, and performed by Chris Tomlin.

Watch the music video here

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10. "Break Every Chain"

10. "Break Every Chain"

“Break Every Chain” is a gospel worship song performed by Tasha Cobbs. The song is about the power of Jesus’ name “to break every chain” of bondage. There is no chain that Jesus can’t break. It also reminds believers of the sacrifice of Jesus to rescue them, that is was “freely given,” yet costly. Some lyrics of the song are: “All sufficient sacrifice/So freely given, such a price/For our redemption/Heaven’s gates swing wide.”

The bridge says, “There’s an army rising up/To break every chain.” In Isaiah 58, we read, “Is not this the kind of fasting I have chosen: to loose the chains of injustice and untie the cords of the yoke, to set the oppressed free and break every yoke?” This song talks about believers rising up to break the chains of others around them, to lead people to the gospel, setting them free.

“Break Every Chain” was written by Will Reagan and has been performed by Tasha Cobbs, the United Pursuit Band and Jesus Culture, among others.

Photo Courtesy: Unsplash

11. "You're Beautiful"

11. "You're Beautiful"

This Christian worship song has incredible imagery and poetic lyrics. It talks about seeing the Lord’s glory and beauty in a sunrise, of seeing his power through the stars and planets alight in the night sky. The song’s repeating chorus is a response to beholding the beauty of creation: “You’re Beautiful.” The second verse talks about the crucifixion and sacrifice of Jesus for our sins. It reminds believers that “soon we will be coming home.” Then. the bridge is a picture of Heaven, referencing Revelation 21:4, that“‘He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death’ or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.” It also references the wedding of the Lamb in Revelation 19.

Some of the lyrics are: “I see Your face in every sunrise/The colors of the morning are inside Your eyes/The world awakens in the light of the day/I look up to the sky and say/You're beautiful” and “I see you there hanging on a tree/You bled and then you died and then you rose again for me/Now you are sitting on Your heavenly throne/Soon we will be coming home/You're beautiful//When we arrive at eternity's shore/Where death is just a memory and tears are no more/We'll enter in as the wedding bells ring/Your bride will come together and we'll sing/You're beautiful.”

“You’re Beautiful” is performed and composed by Christian artist, Phil Wickham.

Watch the music video here!

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12. "Let it Be Jesus"

12. "Let it Be Jesus"

This very personal worship song is about living out one’s faith. Galatians 2:20 says, “I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.” It’s the desire for our entire lives to be about Jesus. It’s encouragement to testify about Jesus throughout our lives. The first verse says, “Let it be Jesus/The first name that I call/Let it be Jesus/My song inside the storm/I’ll never need another.” The song’s chorus references the verse, “For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain.” (Philippians 1:21) The theme is found throughout the song. The powerful bridge is a proclamation of faith, that no matter what may happen, whether good or bad, to remember and proclaim the name of Jesus.

Some lyrics are: “For me to live is Christ/For me to live is Christ/God I breathe Your name/Above everything/Let it be, let it be/Jesus” and “Let it be Jesus/From the rising of the sun/Let it be Jesus/When all is said and done/I'll never need another/Jesus there's no other” and “Should I ever be abandoned/Should I ever be acclaimed/Should I ever be surrounded/By the fire and the flame/There's a name I will remember/There's a name I will proclaim/Let it be, let it be/Jesus.”

“Let it Be Jesus” was written by Jonas Myrin, Matt Redman, and Chris Tomlin. It is performed by Christy Nockels.

Watch the music video here!

Photo Courtesy: Unsplash

13. "Light of the World"

13. "Light of the World"

This song is more of a Christmas song, about the people waiting for the birth of the Messiah. It also connects to us today, as people around us need the hope that Christ break to break through their present circumstances. Lauren Daigle, the singer of the song, says, “As the writing process progressed, I was thinking about the 400 years between the Old and New Testaments in the Bible, when God was silent for 400 years. There was stillness in the world, people were searching. I wonder how that longing was for people living then. To be honest, it kind of reminds me of today and the longing in people. As I think about those many years of silence, I think of the cry of a baby. We put these stories in a parallel position in the lyrics, connecting to our music and hoping for an ultimate connection with people, through God."

Some of the lyrics are: “The world waits for a miracle/The heart longs for a little bit of hope/Oh come, oh come, Emmanuel/A child prays for peace on Earth/And she's calling out from a sea of hurt/Oh come, oh come, Emmanuel/And can you hear the angels singing/Glory to the light of the world/Glory, the light of the world is here” and “For all who wait/For all who hunger/For all who've prayed/For all who wonder/Behold your King/Behold Messiah/Emmanuel, Emmanuel.”

“Light of the World” was written by Lauren Daigle, Paul Mabury, and Paul Duncan. It is performed by Lauren Daigle.

Light Of The World lyrics © Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC, Essential Music Publishing, Capitol Christian Music Group

Watch the music video here!

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14. "You Came (Lazarus)"

14. "You Came (Lazarus)"

This song is told from the perspective of Lazarus, when he was resurrected from the dead by Jesus. It is written in a way that is relatable to us, as Christians, singing the worship song. The bridge reminds us that God still works miracles and he turns our fears into faith.

The lyrics are: “You stood outside my grave/With tears still on Your face/I heard You say my name/My night was turned to day” and “You came, I knew that You would come/You sang,/My heart it woke up/I’m not afraid, I see Your face, I am alive/You came, I knew that You would come” and “You said death’s only sleeping/With one word my heart was beating/I rose up from my grave/My fear was turned to faith” and “You are a miracle-working God.”

“You Came (Lazarus)” was written by Melissa and Jonathan David Helser, along with Ed Cash, and performed by the Helsers and Amanda Cook and Chris Quilala of Bethel Music.

Watch the music video here!

Photo Courtesy: Pixabay

15. "This Blood"

15. "This Blood"

This powerful worship song is about the blood of Jesus and the atoning work of the cross. It’s about the resurrection and the promise of his coming back. It’s also about how Jesus cares for us and helps us. This song also describes the power of Jesus’ blood and how it also cleanses us.

Some lyrics of the song are: “Oh, there is a Blood/Oh, and it sights the blind/It heals the sick/The lonely, finds/Oh, it has the Power/To free the bound/As chains they fall/Upon the ground//So pour it out /To cleanse my soul/And let its liquid Glory flow/Because it lives/To make me whole/I owe my life/I owe my all//So I come to tell you He's alive/To tell you that He dries every tear that falls/So I come to tell you that He saves/To shout and to proclaim that he is coming back for you.”

This song is performed and written by Rita Springer. To watch the song story behind “This Blood,” click here.

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16. "Extravagant"

16. "Extravagant"

This song is about Jesus’ love in his atoning sacrifice for us on the cross. The chorus speaks about how extravagant this love is and how we’re unable to comprehend it on this side of Heaven. The second verse talks of how Jesus walks with us through our pain and struggling, that he’s our light. The bridge is a response to that love.

Some lyrics of the song are “You were a lover before time’s beginning/You gave Your love freely withholding nothing/Jesus, my Jesus/You carried the weight of the world on Your shoulders/You stopped at nothing to prove You were for us/Jesus, my Jesus” and “It’s extravagant/it doesn’t make sense/We’ll never comprehend the way You love us/It’s unthinkable/only Heaven knows/Just how far You’d go to say You love us/To say You love us/To say You love us.”

The song was written by Steffany Gretzinger, Amanda Cook, Sean Feucht, Ran Jackson. It is performed by Steffany Gretzinger and Amanda Cook. There is also a Spanish version by Twice.

Watch the music video here!

Photo Courtesy: Facebook

17. "Son of God"

17. "Son of God"

This song is about the passion of Jesus and the salvation found through him. It describes his crucifixion, the image of Jesus nailed to the cross, thorns upon his head, “The innocent Savior broken and bleeding for us.” It mentions it as “a place of sorrow and love” and talks about the mercy of the Lord in this sacrifice and Jesus’ atoning blood.

The lyrics of the chorus are: “The Son of God high and lifted up/The Father’s love came pouring down for us/He has overcome/The spotless Lamb for every sinner slain/Our victory, our hope beyond the grave/He has overcome.”

The rest of the song is an invitation for people to come to Jesus, to find hope, love, and salvation in him, that he will wash away their sins: “The lost and unworthy come find your home/The broken and hurting, His love will never let go.” The bridge is praise for Jesus’ love and the eternal hope of seeing him in Heaven.

“Son of God” was written by Cory Asbury, Caleb Culver, Jon Egan, Brian Johnson, and Jason Ingram. It is performed by Cory Asbury.

Watch the music video here!

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18. "In Christ Alone"

18. "In Christ Alone"

This song is about the love, strength, and peace we find in Jesus. It describes him, in this song, as the Cornerstone, referencing Ephesians 2:19-22. It describes Jesus coming into the world as a baby, taking on flesh, yet being the “fullness of God.” It says, “This gift of love and righteousness/Scorned by the ones He came to save./'Til on that cross as Jesus died/The wrath of God was satisfied/For ev'ry sin on Him was laid/Here in the death of Christ I live.”

The next verse of the song talks about Jesus’ burial the tomb and his resurrection from the dead: “Then bursting forth in glorious day/Up from the grave He rose again!/And as He stands in victory/Sin's curse has lost its grip on me/For I am His and He is mine/Bought with the precious blood of Christ.”

The song concludes with a verse of confidence describing life in Christ, that because of Jesus, we are without fear and guilt, that throughout our lives, Jesus is the author of our destinies. The powerful last lines say, “No power of hell, no scheme of man/Can ever pluck me from His hand/'Til He returns or calls me home/Here in the power of Christ I'll stand.”

“In Christ Alone” was written by Keith Getty and Stuart Townend. It is performed by many Christian artists, including Keith and Kristyn Getty, Stuart Townend, Natalie Grant, Lauren Daigle, Newsboys, and Kristian Stanfill.

Watch the music video here!

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19. "The Old Rugged Cross Made the Difference"

19. "The Old Rugged Cross Made the Difference"

This is a song of praise about a life changed by Jesus Christ. The lyrics of the song speak of an aimless, desperate life before Christ and how Jesus made the difference, giving life and bringing “love, warmth, and laughter.” The last verse of the song depicts the life of someone who died without hope, his loved ones left in gloom. It also depicts the life of a believer and how much joy that his loved ones had when he passed. “His funeral was overflowing with not just people, but stories of the impact he’d made,” Diana Matthews writes, referencing the story behind the song.

Some of the lyrics of the song are: “'Twas a life filled with aimless desperation/Without hope walked the shell of a man/Then a hand with a nailprint stretched downward/Just one touch then a new life began//And the old rugged cross made the difference/In a life bound for heartache and defeat/I will praise Him forever and ever/For the cross made the difference for me” and “There's a room filled with sad, ashen faces/Without hope death has wrapped them in gloom/But at the side of a saint there's rejoicing/For life can't be sealed in a tomb.”

“The Old Rugged Cross Made the Difference” was written by Gloria and Bill Gaither and has been performed by the Gaither Vocal Band.

Watch the music video here!

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20. "Cornerstone"

20. "Cornerstone"

This song is about having Jesus as our foundation in life. He will be there, strong, throughout the hard times and we can count on him: “When darkness seems to hide His face/I rest on His unchanging grace/In every high and stormy gale/My anchor holds within the veil/My anchor holds within the veil.” The last verse talks about being faithful until Christ’s return: “When he shall come with trumpet sound/Oh may I then in Him be found/Dressed in His righteousness alone/Faultless stand before the throne.”

“Cornerstone” is a modern update of the hymn, "My Hope Is Built on Nothing Less." The verses of the song come directly from the hymn. One thing that is different is the chorus. Referencing Ephesians 2:19-22, the chorus goes, “Christ alone, Cornerstone/Weak made strong in the Savior's love/Through the storm He is Lord/Lord of all.”

“Cornerstone” was written by Edward Mote, Eric Liljero, Jonas Myrin, and Reuben Morgan. It is performed by Hillsong Worship.

Photo Courtesy: Thinkstock

Originally published May 24, 2021.


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