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Song Story: "A Resting Place" by Paul Wilbur

  • Paul Wilbur Contributing Writer
  • Published Jul 12, 2005
Song Story: "A Resting Place" by Paul Wilbur

Years ago, after five years of full-time ministry traveling with the music group Harvest, I knew the Lord was calling me to return to the Jewish community. As Paul said in Romans 1:16, the Gospel “is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes: first for the Jew, then for the Gentile” (NIV). I knew God was calling me back to my heritage and roots.

During that time I was doing any number of odd jobs while I was seeking the Lord for the next season of our lives. I knew I had a promise, and my heart was longing to fulfill that call. While I was waiting for those doors to open, I took a position at our messianic synagogue to teach in our day school. Part of my duties was to lead the chapel three times a week. One day we had a particularly moving time of worship, and I knew I was called to do this the rest of my life—not the teaching of spelling and math, but to lead worship. As the children were filing out of the meeting room, I felt impressed to stay and linger in the presence of the Lord for just a little while. I opened up my Bible to the psalms, and it fell open to Psalm 62.

My soul finds rest in God alone; my salvation comes from him. He alone is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress, I will never be shaken (Psalm 62:1-2 NIV).

As my eyes glanced down at the words, I started to play on my guitar, and in about ten minutes this song, “A Resting Place,” was finished. Some of the words are:

My soul finds rest in God alone

My peace depends on Him

And in that place of quiet rest

He fills me from within

He pours on me His holy oil

The Spirit of the living God

Then He takes me by His hand

And comforts me with His love

He comforts me with His love

It does seem to me that songs are more of a gift than a craft. While the Lord was “downloading” this song to me, I was receiving peace and patience to know that if I remained faithful where He had planted me, in due season He would open the doors of opportunity that He had promised.

You can listen to "A Resting Place" on Paul Wilbur's new album, The Watchman. Lyrics from ”The Resting Place,” by Paul Wilbur, © 1987 Integrity's Hosanna! Music/ASCAP