
What You Need

Trust is one of the biggest issues we have as humans.
Published Jun 19, 2015
What You Need

I read somewhere a few years ago that technology has actually produced a car that can drive itself. The car is designed to operate on a specialized road system and all the "driving" is done through a system of computers. Of course it will probably never be put into use because people won't be able to trust the system enough to actually use it.

Trust is one of the biggest issues we have as humans. We humans have a difficult time trusting one another. Part of the reason is that we have all been victimized by the selfish desires of others, which have left a bad taste in our mouths and a gaping hole in our hearts. And if we are honest we would have to admit that there have been times when we have been the one that has caused the problem!

Relationships are a very necessary part of life. God Himself designed us to need people. Husbands need wives, wives need husbands, children need parents, students need teachers, employers need employees, and we all need friends. But unless we have our connection with God securely in place our need for people can become a source of pain and hurt.

What most people don't understand is that whenever we put our trust in anything other than God, we will inevitably be disappointed. It doesn't matter how wonderful your children are, how committed your spouse is, or even how faithful your friends may be, at some point and time they will disappoint you. And the other side of the coin is that you will likely disappoint them somewhere in the course of life, too.

God's intention for us was that we would find our greatest satisfaction in knowing Him. In fact, He created us with a deep desire that can only be satisfied by having a relationship with Him. Until we find that Relationship, we try to fill the void inside us with all kinds of things; work, hobbies, drugs, alcohol, pornography and shopping are just a few of the ways we try to fill the hole in our lives. We also try to fill up the hole with people; but relationships built on this kind of foundation are shaky, undependable, and doomed to fall apart.

So what is the answer? Put your hope in God, first. He is the same yesterday, today and forever. His love never fails and He always keeps His word. He is an ever present help in times of trouble and a friend who sticks closer than a brother. He is with you through the storms of life and He gives you strength to endure whatever comes your way. He comforts you in times of sorrow and He defends you when people come against you. You can tell Him anything and never have to worry about Him telling your secrets! He is never shocked at your failures and He is always on your side. Everyone else may abandon you, but He never will. But the best part is He is constant and steadfast; He NEVER changes!

So the next time someone close to you disappoints you just remember, they are only human so they just can't help it! If you have an unhealthy need for people and relationships, seek God for His help and security. Let go of your expectations of others and look to God for what you need. Bless people who hurt you, pray for those who offend you, and most of all, forgive those who sin and trespass against you because they really don't know what they are doing. Offer to them the same grace that God has blessed you with and you will find that not only will you have more peace within yourself, the relationships you have with others will produce more peace and joy, too.

Cinde Lucas is an ordinary person, who happens to LOVE to encourage and motivate people! She has a passion to share the Love of God with people and to let them know that God is GOOD and He has an AWESOME plan for their lives! Cinde truly desires to lead people into a closer relationship with God through music; her prayer is that the ministry we share will uplift and encourage people to be all that God created them to be. Visit Overflow Ministries atwww.CindeLucas.com.

Publication date: June 25, 2012

Originally published November 29, 2016.