5 Worship Songs for When You're Feeling Alone

People are not meant to be alone. We see this in the fact that one of the first things God did after creating the world was to craft a suitable companion for Adam (Genesis 2:18). Even people who enjoy solitude from time to time eventually crave the companionship that a romantic relationship or a good friendship can bring.
But loneliness can creep into our lives even when we’re not technically alone. In dark times when loneliness has dragged you down, you can turn to worship songs that were written to reach out and lead you out of the shadows.
Below are 5 types of loneliness you may be experiencing along with 5 worship songs that can help lift your spirit.
1. A song for when you and your spouse have grown apart.
A quiet yet stirring song that minces no words about the fairytale being over in a marriage is Casting Crown’s Broken Together. Here, the lyrics allude to how couples can grow apart over the years after prioritizing children and career goals at the expense of nurturing the marriage. The lyrics also take a deeper dive and tackle marriages that may be suffering from scars and secrets that have driven the couple toward a final straw moment that only God can save them from.
The message of this song is for the couple to accept each other’s broken nature and to turn to God for healing as they agree to uphold their marital vows and be broken together. This song’s beautiful vocals are complimented by piano and violin accompaniments that are reminiscent of instruments you’d hear at a wedding. Among this song’s most poignant lyrics are:
Maybe you and I were never meant to be complete
Could we just be broken together?
If you can bring your shattered dreams and I’ll bring mine
Could healing still be spoken and save us?
The only way we’ll last forever
Is broken together
2. A song for when you’re grappling with a broken heart.
Singer/songwriter Matthew West speaks to the brokenhearted in his song Dream Again. The music and lyrics of this encouraging song combine to form a message of hope that addresses such hard-hitting topics as dashed dreams, parental abandonment, and addiction.
This song urges listeners to let go of their unmet dreams and, instead, focus on new dreams to pursue, even if all the listener can muster is to take one baby step at a time. West reminds listeners that God promises to give you a hope and a future if only you’ll trust in His plans for you (Jeremiah 29:11). With a beat that builds into a joyous celebration of the possibilities that lay ahead, this song assures the distraught listener that:
Your lungs are still breathing
Your heart is still beating
The end’s where the future begins
Just open your eyes
Open your eyes
And dream again
3. A song for those in the clutches of addiction or another toxic relationship.
In his debut smash single, Chain Breaker, singer/songwriter Zach Williams sings for those who are stuck in the rut of running back to the same bad choices. This song speaks to those who are trying to fill a void by running to things that they already know aren’t good for them. More specifically, these lyrics are for those who have tried and failed to break a cycle of toxic behavior by themselves.
If you can relate to searching for healing in all the wrong places, Williams sings of a better life awaiting you if you’ll give your life over to Jesus. Lyrics to this gripping worship song include:
If you’ve got pain, He’s a pain-taker
If you feel lost, He’s a way maker
If you need freedom or saving
He’s a prison-shaking Savior
If you got chains, He’s a chain breaker
4. A song for when you feel like you don’t have a friend in the world.
For the song There Was Jesus, Zach Williams teamed up with music legend Dolly Parton to sing about God’s constant presence in our life, whether you feel Him with you or not. These lyrics reflect on how Jesus creates a way out of your darkest moments even when you think all hope is lost and your friends have abandoned you.
In this duet, Williams and Parton weave the imagery of mountains and valleys with grace and forgiveness to bring us a song of pure gratitude for our Savior’s faithful companionship. Lyrics to give you solace in this song include:
In the waiting, in the searching
In the healing and the hurting
Like a blessing buried in the broken pieces
Every minute, every moment
Where I’ve been and where I’m going
Even when I didn’t know it or couldn’t see it
There was Jesus
5. A song for those who cling to their faith alone.
It’s a sad example of our fallen world when faithful Christians are surrounded by nonbelievers who attack them for their faith. Perhaps you have friends or relatives who mock you for believing in a power they cannot see or a Savior whose salvation they foolishly shrug off. If that describes you, do not be dissuaded from living your faith. Instead, praise His Name in the face of doubt even if, for now, you only have the strength to worship privately.
A worship song that can help you keep your chin up when surrounded by unbelievers is Raise a Hallelujah by Bethel Music. This song assures you to hold fast to the fact that the King is alive no matter the tribulations you may be traveling through. Lyrics that help you to keep singing through the storm include:
I raise a hallelujah
In the presence of my enemies
I raise a hallelujah
Louder than the unbelief
I raise a hallelujah
Our weapon is a melody
I raise a hallelujah
Heaven comes to fight for me
Music is meant to unite people by relating to the listener through sound and lyrics. Worship music lifts you up from where you are and invites you to move closer to your Redeemer. Whether through lyrics that praise His name or lyrics that help you to rest easy in the knowledge that He will never abandon nor forsake you, worship songs are a sweet reminder that the Lord is always with you.
Photo Credit: ©GettyImages/FTiare
Dolores Smyth is a nationally published faith and parenting writer. She draws inspiration for her writing from everyday life. Connect with her over Twitter @byDoloresSmyth.
Originally published March 27, 2025.