Adrian Rogers' Book Focuses on 12 Basics of Christian Faith
NASHVILLE, Tenn. – Adrian Rogers never again will go bodysurfing without reading every nearby billboard and sign.
While on vacation in Hawaii, Rogers overlooked a "no bodysurfing" sign, and was slammed to the ocean floor while attempting to ride a wave. He escaped with only minor scrapes and bruises, but considers the experience a valuable lesson. He compares this experience to how many Christians go through life without a firm foundation in what they believe in – particularly when it comes to Scripture.
"There are some basic truths that every Christian ought to know," Rogers writes in his latest book. "... Some may be body slammed, like I was, because they do not know."
In the Broadman & Holman book "What Every Christian Ought to Know: Essential Truths for Growing Your Faith," Rogers focuses on 12 basic truths he believes every Christian should know. Broadman & Holman is the publishing division of LifeWay Christian Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention.
Rogers is a well-known Christian speaker, author and retired senior pastor of Bellevue Baptist Church near Memphis, Tenn. He has written "Unveiling the End Times in Our Time," "The Incredible Power of Kingdom Authority," "The Wonder of It All" and "The Nature of Hope." He also ministers through his radio and television ministry, "Love Worth Finding." He and his wife, Joyce, live in Cordova, Tenn.
His latest book targets both "new believers" and those who are "bogged down in their Christian walk."
Rogers' book opens with a chapter on Scripture, or what he refers to as the "starting place in Christian growth," and builds on the theme that those who are not "grounded" in Scripture are "sitting ducks for Satan's big guns."
"Some despise the Bible; others just deny it; still others distort it and have warped, misused, and abused it," Rogers writes. "But I believe the greatest enemy of the Bible is the so-called Christian who simply ignores the Bible or disregards it."
The book also covers topics such as how to have the assurance of salvation, handle temptation, pray with power, be filled with the Holy Spirit and discern God's will for your life.
Rogers shares his hope that the book not only will inspire but also will transform lives and motivate people to act on their faith. God has a plan for everyone – not just missionaries, church leaders and pastors.
"God has a plan for the preacher, and He has a plan for the plumber," he writes. "He has a plan for the Bible teacher and the banker. God has a plan for all of us."
Rogers addresses some warped views about God held by Christians. Noting how some believe God wants them to suffer – how they see him as a "celestial killjoy" who is going to send them into the "deepest part of Africa," where they will be "eaten by cannibals or something like that" – Rogers offers that these misconceptions often lead Christians further away from God and keep them from discovering their true calling in life.
He learned firsthand while bodysurfing that what you don't know could hurt you.
© 2005 Southern Baptist Convention, Baptist Press. All rights reserved. Used with permission.
Originally published July 14, 2005.