Wrestling Superstar's Powerful Testimony Showcases the Power of a Praying Wife

If you haven’t heard Shawn Michaels’ testimony of the powerful way God used his wife, you simply must. We’ve all heard about “the power of a praying wife,” but it’s seldom we get to hear actual, real life stories of it really happening in such great detail. Especially in regards to people like Shawn who’ve experienced such remendous highs and tumultuous lows.
“When I was a horrific wretch, she didn’t pine away but she went into her closet and prayed for me. I don’t think there’s anything greater you can do for someone.” -Shawn Michaels
WATCH: The Powerful Testimony of Shawn Michaels
"The Resurrection of Gavin Stone" hits theaters January 20th, 2017!
For more information: http://www.resurrectionofgavinstonemovie.com/
Also, check out Crosswalk.com's full review of "The Resurrection of Gavin Stone!"
Originally published January 13, 2017.