Movie Reviews

Guilty or Innocent? In My Cousin Rachel It's More Than Meets the Eye

A film that’s part gothic romance, part murder mystery, and part pastoral coming-of-age, My Cousin Rachel is just what a film of its genre and...
Updated Aug 22, 2017
Guilty or Innocent? In My Cousin Rachel It's More Than Meets the Eye

Guilty or Innocent? In My Cousin Rachel It's More Than Meets the Eye

A film that’s part gothic romance, part murder mystery, and part pastoral coming-of-age, My Cousin Rachel is just what a film of its genre and intentions ought to be. For making us question hundreds of years' worth of literary tropes, it merits 4 out of 5.


Philip Ashley (Sam Claflin) is left as the heir to a large estate and much wealth when his much-loved guardian and cousin Ambrose dies abroad in Italy. Amidst his grief, Philip must also reckon with Rachel (Rachel Weisz), the woman who met Ambrose abroad and drew him into marriage after a lifetime of happy bachelorhood. Now twice-widowed, this mysterious half-Italian woman makes her way to the Ashley estate in England, but Philip is on his guard. For you see, the last few letters from Ambrose were wild with panic and horror, hastily dashed-off letters entreating that Philip save him... from the cruel and monstrous Rachel.

Yet, when she arrives in England, Rachel is meek and kind. She is an ethereal kind of delicate: generous, thoughtful, tactful, and resourceful. Philip's mistrust of her gradually turns to admiration and even obsession, until he too begins to fall ill. Is Rachel a husband-killer hiding a dark secret, as he first imagined? Or are there forces even more complicated and mysterious at work?

What Works?

Many aspects of this film ring quite true, from its nimble use of narration and montage, to its sure-footed period-piece aesthetic that uses scenery, props and costumes deftly without becoming distracting or trying to show off. Director Roger Michell knows when to keep framing simple, and when to add drama and romance into a shot. He understands light and darkness, something you only notice when films are particularly good or particularly bad about it.

The cast (Weisz especially) offers gripping performances, satisfying relationships, and believable character arcs. And while Philip is a turbulent character who isn't always fun to watch or easy to empathize with, his twisting and turning orbit around Rachel remains resolutely fascinating. As a love story, a tale of loss and grief, a mystery, and ultimately a profound social commentary about obsession and the male gaze, the film works steadily on all cylinders.

What Doesn't?

If anything might work against the film, it could be its slow pace and safe choices. Some will appreciate and enjoy Michell's restraint, but others will itch for larger, louder, more grotesque moments that you might expect from a movie so clearly in the gothic vein. Additionally, Claflin, while steady, is not always the thrumming star others might have been. But as the film shows him pale against his female counterpart, we are left wondering if it might all be precisely intentional!

Christian Worldview Elements / Spiritual Themes

As is the case in many a gothic story, there is darkness that turns out to be more complicated than it first appears. Ultimately, this film takes a trope (the "black widow," the fortune hunter, the witch) and asks us to examine it more closely. Does a storyteller affect who we are likely to side with after hearing a tale? Does a person who speaks strangely or comes from a strange land arouse our suspicions unjustly? Is it possible the person we think of as villainous, might in fact be a victim?

CAUTIONS (may contain spoilers)

  • MPAA Rating: PG-13 for some sexuality and brief strong language
  • Language/Profanity: A few instances of mild swearing / oaths (“Bloody,” “for God’s sake”) and one use of the F-word.
  • Sexuality/Nudity: A man and woman kiss several times. A man and woman retreat to a bed (it is implied later they have had sex). A naked man is seen from behind running into the ocean (it’s a very wide shot). A man and woman are shown having sex in the woods for a few moments from the shoulders up, but they remain fully clothed and no nudity is shown. Two characters discuss another character's sexuality by describing him as having “Greek" tastes and "liking boys." It's hinted in conversation that a female character has strong sexual "appetites."
  • Violence/Frightening/Intense: It's implied several times that a woman may have killed her husband (perhaps by poisoning). A man is discussed by other characters as being violent and frightening. A man grabs a woman by the throat and yells at her several times. A man flips over a small table in anger. A dead body is shown briefly. A dying horse is shot to be put out of its suffering. A man on horseback nearly tumbles off a trecherous cliff.
  • Drugs/Alcohol: Characters drink wine several times. A woman brews strange tea for others, which is viewed with suspicion.

The Bottom Line

RECOMMENDED FOR: Fans of this story's original novelist Daphne Du Maurier (and stories like Rebecca and The Birds). Lovers of the gothic romance and a good period piece. Those interested in genre-subverting and gender commentary. Admirers of Rachel Weisz.

NOT RECOMMENDED FOR: The impatient or easily-bored filmgoer. Those still reeling hard from broken hearts or complicated relationships. Those who need a "Wonder Woman" kind of filmic study in women. Those hoping for a super creepy horror flick.

My Cousin Rachel, directed by Roger Michell, opened in theaters June 9, 2017; available for home viewing August 29, 2017. It runs 106 minutes and stars Sam Claflin, Rachel Weisz, Holliday Grainger, Iain Glen and Pierfrancesco Favino. Watch the trailer for My Cousin Rachel here.

Debbie Holloway is a storyteller, creator, critic and advocate having adventures in Brooklyn, New York.

Publication date: June 9, 2017

Image courtesy: ©FoxSearchlight

Originally published June 08, 2017.