Teen Saxophone Player Was Bullied For His Looks, Now He's a Golden Buzzer Winner

While being interviewed, Avery Dixon shares that it was not his choice to audition because he did not believe that he was very good. His mom signed him up to audition for America’s Got Talent and pushed him to try it. There is a sweet moment before he goes on stage when his mom tells Avery, “You worked hard for this and you deserve to be here.” Her encouragement of her son is inspiring.
As he speaks with the judges, he is kind and witty. Avery is from Atlanta, Georgia. Avery shares that he got into playing the saxophone because his voice was different and his looks and his nickname in elementary school was “hammerhead” since he was born prematurely and has knots on his head.
It is so heartbreaking to hear where he has come from. In his darkest moments of contemplating suicide, he started to learn the saxophone and focused on something positive. He says that if he won he would provide a better place for his family to live so he could practice his instrument.
Avery begins his performance and he is absolutely spectacular. He is an incredible instrumentalist and performer. He plays with style and grooves. All of the audience end up on their feet and the judges too.
He is fantastic. It is emotional watching him after hearing his story. When everyone cheers and stands, Avery cries in shock. The judges tell him that they love him and that he will be a world changer.
They tell him that he plays with his heart. As the judges are voting, the host comes out and hits the golden buzzer for Avery. Everyone cheers at this victory.
People might tell us who they think we are, but we need to be reminded that God defines us. We do not have to believe the lies of the enemy, we can overcome evil with good because of Jesus.
“Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.” Romans 12:21
This content originally appeared at https://www.godtube.com/watch/?v=EBC0J1NU; used with permission.
Photo credit: ©GodTube
Originally published July 05, 2022.