'Fear Is a Liar' - Zach Williams Official Video

'Fear, he is a liar
He will take your breath
Stop you in your steps
Fear he is a liar
He will rob your rest
Steal your happiness
Cast your fear in the fire
'Cause fear he is a liar'
When we let fear take over our lives, it can turn everything upside down. Fear can make you believe things that are untrue like you aren't worthy or you aren't beautiful. But when we put our trust and faith in God, fear will be cast out.
Listen as Zach Williams sings 'Fear Is A Liar.' This powerful song will remind you that with the armor of the Lord, nothing can stand in your way. As you listen to the lyrics of this song, you will feel His strength wash over you and know that there is nothing to be afraid of.
We serve a mighty and powerful God. Fear may try to break us down, but with the Lord beside us, fear doesn't stand a chance. He gave us eternal life when He sent His only Son to Earth to die for us on the cross. All of our sins were forgiven and now, we're free of our chains and can live out our days in Heaven above. That is such a blessing indeed.
This song from Zach Williams is the perfect way to give praise to His name. I'm so glad that these words were put to song and we can shout His glory from the rooftops.
Who else is saying amen right along with me?
Photo Courtesy: Youtube
Originally published February 11, 2020.