Christian Music

'Healing Time on Earth': Rare Performance from John Denver

In this rare performance, John Denver sings his song ‘Healing Time on Earth,'--words we all need to hear right now.
Published Jul 02, 2021
'Healing Time on Earth': Rare Performance from John Denver

“Let the mountains speak, the rivers run

As the world awakes to the rising sun

In each brand-new day, in our own rebirth

In this healing time, on our Mother Earth

Let the mountains talk, let the rivers run

There is wisdom here, there’s so much to learn

In each brand-new day, in our own rebirth

In this healing time, for our Mother Earth”

It’s been said that ‘Healing Time on Earth’ was only performed once by John Denver and that was at the Windstar Symposium in 1995. In fact, the song has actually never got published.

Before singing this beautiful and peaceful tune, John Denver admits that this song wasn’t the easiest for him to write.

“David Brower, who I love with all my heart and respect more than I could ever express, has been after me for about five years to write a song called ‘Healing Time on Earth,’ John explains to the audience. “And I said ‘I will’. And I have wanted to desperately. But somehow it just hasn’t come. And I kept thinking that it’s gonna be one of those songs that just one day, you know, it’s just all gonna be there.”

Then John Denver goes on about how he ends up writing some of his songs in 10 minutes while others take months and months. “I don’t know how songs happen or where they come from. It’s an incredibly magical thing to me,” he says.

He admits that ‘Healing Time on Earth’ has taken him right up until this performance to finish, and it is still not completely polished. But he still wanted to play it for the audience and his friend, David.

“So, I don’t know how it happens and I don’t know the words to this song,” John shares while the crowd laughs. “I may know some of them. This is a song in progress, folks

Thank goodness John Denver shared this beautiful song because it is so wonderful and calming to listen to!

Photo Credit: Godtube

Originally published July 05, 2021.