Christian Music Reviews

Celebrity Death Match

'NSYNC will attempt to fight its way back to the top of the charts...Read the review.
Updated Sep 12, 2001
Celebrity Death Match

Celebrity Death Match

'NSYNC -- Celebrity

The battle of the boy band begins a new chapter with this most recent release from one of the two premier testosterone-driven, five-member groups,'NSYNC. You've probably heard the first single, Pop, which addresses the rumors concerning pop music's prophesied end. Most industry professionals have questioned how long the current teen-pop trend can go on. Consequently, one might think that with the news about the emotional breakdown of one of the Backstreet Boys due to depression and substance abuse, and the lackluster sales in both retail and at concert venues, we could be seeing the downfall of the boy-band empire.

Enter Celebrity. With it's R&B melodies, combined with pop/dance rhythms and boy-power lyrics, Celebrity is a mature step in the same direction for 'NSYNC, but I'm not quite sure it's enough. I almost feel like the boys have lost their sense of reality on this latest effort. 'NSYNC members croon about their "dreaded" celebrity status and the tragedy found in the love-me-for-my-money young women who flock to their side. Michael Jackson gets mimicked, mocked and completely ripped off on Celebrity All we need is a glove and a scandal and we would have a dangerous case of deja vu. 'NSYNC even has the audacity to throw in a little Jackson-style skatting and syncronized glass breaking on Pop and Tell Me, Tell Me Baby. Topics included on Celebrity are girls-done-me-wrong songs, girls-I'll-do-you-right songs and, of course, there has to be at least one song with the topic of I-can't-handle-the-fame. The album's content is cocky, vain and over the top.

OK, I'm being a little sarcastic; there are a few highlights on Celebrity. Gone has the boys doing some pretty impressive vocal work as they cry over love leaving. I am also intrigued by the idea of Justin and JC writing some of the material on Celebrity. Overall, the content is clean. I really can't find anything overtly offensive on the album. Unless you're trying to protect your 14-year-old from hearing love songs, this album is pretty innocent.

Unless you're a fan of 'NSYNC, let this Celebrity continue down the red carpet.

Overall: C
Content: B+

Originally published June 30, 2001.