New Digital Series ‘Passages’ Helps Young Adults Tackle Faith, Identity, and Discovering Their Calling

David Todd Jeremiah may have found the Achilles heel in being able to reach today’s older teens and young adults. One of the biggest challenges today’s older teens and young adults wrestle with is identity. Right behind that are relationships, academics, money, and mental health (such as anxiety, depression, and loneliness), according to Chettiar Counselling.
Another important thing to note about today’s older teens and young adults is that 77 percent of teens are somewhat or very motivated to learn more about Jesus over the course of their lives, according to Barna. However, the study found that while there is a curiosity and an openness to discussing spiritual topics, teens and young adults are often hesitant or uninterested in attending church. The reason for that, in general, is that they don’t feel that the church is especially willing to have an open dialogue about spiritual topics, and they feel that questions aren’t truly welcome.
David Todd Jeremiah, the grandson of David Jeremiah (Turning Point Ministries), has apparently picked up on these struggles and has partnered with his grandfather to create a new digital series called Passages. David Todd hosts the program, which is Turning Point’s newest brand, according to the NRB.
The series features David Todd and his friends as they explore various activities and discuss their insights regarding creation and their faith. The show’s premiere was on October 7, 2024, but new episodes are being aired on YouTube every Monday.
David Todd’s focus is to “reach an age group that is searching for answers and to go where they are rather than asking them to come to us,” he told NRB.
“In 2016, Turning Point identified a need for solid Christian content that could reach my generation where they are at in life and started [developing] Passages to reach young adults. I began leading a dedicated team passionate about helping young people find their calling and identity in Christ while navigating the decisions that come with early adulthood. The mission of Passages is to inspire our generation to navigate life’s journey in light of biblical truth,” he said, according to the Passages website.
The website also has podcasts, episodes, and man-on-the-street interviews that explore calling. Much of the content is somewhere between six and ten minutes long, though the podcasts can be longer.
David Todd also says he “grew up in a household passionate about sports and ministry! These two loves of mine led me to Liberty University, where I played football and received a degree in Business Communications and a Master of Divinity!”
David Todd is married and has a son, David Jay. In addition to Passages, he serves as a pastor and leader of the Young Married Ministry at Shadow Mountain Community Church, where his grandfather is the senior pastor.
Photo Credit: ©Instagram/davidtjeremiah
Originally published March 17, 2025.